[chapter 27]

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"What?" Steve asked when Evelyn shot him an amused look.

"Remember when we watched Independence Day?" Evelyn asked and he nodded. "Well, remember how you said it was unrealistic and would never happen?"

"I was hoping you'd forget that." Steve winced remembering the speech Evelyn gave him right after. "Let's just hope these ones don't have ships as big as theirs."

"No, no." Evelyn shot back widening her eyes. "They'll probably come down here riding a bike or something."

"Stop enjoying this so much." Steve shook his head but there was a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I'm not!" She replied as her stomach let out a rumbling noise. "What? I haven't eaten all day."

"Where are you going?" Steve asked when she got up, making him the only one left.

"To eat, obviously." Evelyn replied patting her stomach. "You?"

"No, I'm good but I'll accompany you."

Evelyn led Steve towards one of the kitchens, this one being accessible by only higher level agents. On their way, as they were passing by the Wishbone Lab, Steve looked inside to see what Tony and Bruce were doing.

"Steve?" Evelyn looked back seeing as he stopped walking.

"You go, Evelyn." He replied with narrowed eyes. "I'll find you later."

"Okay." She replied with a shrug, finally reaching the door and swiped her card.

She walked in and quickly rummaged the lower cupboards to find the cereal she saw earlier. Bending down to check the back, she still couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?" A voice made her jump up, hitting the top of her head to the cupboard.

"Fucking hell!" Evelyn exclaimed clutching her heart and head at the same time, getting on her feet. "How long have you been standing there?"

"A while." Natasha shrugged and held out the cereal box to her. "Sure." She nodded when Evelyn asked if she wanted a bowl as well.

"Have you spoken to her?" Evelyn asked as they both sat at the table, almost finished with their meal. "She called me earlier and I just couldn't call back."

"Yeah, me neither." Natasha rubbed her temples in frustration. "I don't want to lie to her."

"Well..." Evelyn spoke up seeing the lost look on her friend's face. "We at least know one thing for sure."

"Which is?"

"Clint can take care of himself. It's us that I'm scared for." She replied and Natasha raised her eyebrows making her elaborate. "He's one of the best tactical agents there is. Whatever he's planning won't be easy."

"You're right." Natasha nodded, putting her spoon in her bowl. "How do we get him back though?"

"We'll figure that out when we get there."

Evelyn was about to enter the lab when she ran into Steve who looked angry, almost fuming.

"Steve?" She asked but he shook his head, walking off in another direction.

"That's the guy my dad never shut up about?" She heard Tony say as she walked in. "Wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice."

"Tony." Evelyn announced her presence. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." He replied not looking up from his screen. "Your righteous capsicle annoyed me."

"Guy's not wrong about Loki though." Bruce spoke up as he adjusted some things on the screen. "He does have the jump on us."

"What he's got is an ACME dynamite kit." Tony rolled his eyes, Evelyn making her way towards Bruce. "It's gonna blow up in his face and I'm gonna be there when it does."

"I'll read all about it."

"Dr. Banner, we haven't officially met." Evelyn held out her hand with a smile.

"Evelyn Townsend." He said shaking her hand. "I already knew who you are. You're a big deal in the science community."

"Yes, yes. She's super." Tony dismissed it with a shrug and steered the conversation back. "Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us Doctor."

"Now, you see I don't get a suit of armor." Bruce shook his head. "I'm exposed, like a nerve. It's a nightmare."

"You know, I've got a cluster of shrapnel trying every second to craw its way into my heart. This stops it. This little circle of light." Tony tapped the arc reactor. "It's part of me now, not just armor. It's a terrible privilege."

"But you can control it." Evelyn felt bad for him, a pained look on his face but Tony pushed through.

"Because I learned how."

"It's different."

"Hey, I read all about your accident." Tony stated, wiping the screen between them. "Only Evelyn here would be able to withstand that much Gamma exposure."

"So you're saying that the Hulk, the other guy, saved my life?" Bruce frowned, not really seeing a point. "That's nice. That's nice sentiment. Saved it for what?"

"I guess we'll find out." Tony replied working back to his station as Evelyn walked around, checking around the lab.

"You may not enjoy that."

"And you just might." Tony replied when Evelyn read the screen in front of him.

"Are you hacking into SHIELD?!" Evelyn exclaimed with wide eyes, looking back and forth between Tony and Bruce.

"No." Tony scoffed, popping a blueberry in his mouth. "JARVIS is."

"I-" Evelyn put out her hand and sighed, running a hand over her face. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." 

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