Mr. Hand of the queen

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•Apollo DiStefano•
•Seven weeks later•

So, seven weeks ago something horrible happened. Let me paint the picture for those who missed it or just to make myself look like the victim, which I was: My wife and I were having a splendid time and she got these really strong contractions. My sweatpants were soaked in the fluid her body released.

"I told you I'm sorry already," she said, draping her leg over my torso.

"I'm not ready to forgive you, woman," I looked down at her "you peed on me!"

Arabella pouted "It was an accident!"

I groaned, wrapping my arms around her "I'll forgive you when you bring my boy into the world."

She gasped before slapping my chest, harshly "Forgive me now!" Arabella exclaimed.

"Ouch!" I squeezed her ass "stop being such a brat."

"Stop being such an asshole!" She pinched my right nipple. "Forgive me now," she said between gritted teeth.

I groaned, trying to push her hands away but she's too damn strong "I FORGIVE YOU!"

"Good," she pulled her hands away "go make me a ham and cheese sandwich, bitch," Arabella waved me off as she turned the TV on.

"You go do it yourself," I scoffed which she didn't like because she wrapped her hand around my throat and growled, looking into my eyes.

"Make me a sandwich, now," the woman ordered.

I gulped, looking into her eyes "Yes, princess."

"Good boy," a smile played on her lips as she lay back. "Throw in a milkshake too, please, baby," I got up on my feet and walked around the bed looking at my phone for a recipe of a milkshake "Go!" Arabella started clapping.

For the last seven weeks, she has been on bed rest or as she likes to call it 'bed arrest' because she can't get up unless it's to use the bathroom. When the Doctor told us her water hadn't broken, he explained to us that it doesn't happen like in the movies and that was everything I heard about that talk since I was concentrated in that bottle of rum I needed to chug down.

I don't know why she is asking for forgiveness, it's not like I'm mad because if I was angry, I wouldn't be his personal waiter/bitch which is what I've been doing the past 49 days but it's only fair; a life is growing inside of her, she has back pains that keep her up through the night, the pregnancy and teen hormones are playing with her constantly...I wish I could suffer through all of that. I love seeing her pregnant but I wish that all the physical pain would affect me; she's a true superhero and I'm her biggest fan.

We spent a lovely Christmas alone –the two of us– with a tree encircled by more than fifty gifts that weren't all ours but most them were. We played charades in the bedroom and stripper poker so it was a pretty fun night if you ask me. My family didn't arrive until New Year's Eve since there was a Christmas family trip planned for Aruba but my wife couldn't fly so we stayed back and it was majestic.

When the food was ready and served, I walked back to the room, humming the song we danced at our Dubai wedding.

"So close to reaching that famous happy ending—" I raised an eyebrow, not seeing her on the bed. "Arabella, are you in the bathroom?" I left the plate and glass on my nightstand.

"Yeah, come here, please," That's the second time she says please in 49 days so I rushed to the bathroom to find her on the floor smelling her panties. "What are you doing?" my right eyebrow arched.

"Smell it," she handed it to me.

"All right," I took it from her hand and sniffled the whole thing. "Did you pee in your panties again? It doesn't smell like anything."

Mrs. Mafia [18+]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang