Mrs. Pregnancy

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•Arabella DiStefano•

Allegra is still asleep. I haven't left her side all night long because she's scared and Mariano acted like a jerk so I'm not letting him be with her until she asks for him.

There's a hospital bed and a twin bed in the room since this it's prepared for me to have the baby or for any medical emergency we might have in the family. The twin bed is for Apollo since he has made it very clear that he won't leave my side. Although I have a bed and was tired, I didn't sleep a wink just in case Allegra woke up in the middle of the night scared or needed to talk.

Someone knocked on the door before walking in "Belli," Eva's voice said as I sat up "it's my turn, why don't you go have breakfast and rest?"

I sighed, standing up "Come look for me if she wakes up, okay?"

Eva nodded, keeping the door open for me "I'm sure she'll ask for you anyway."

A weak smile curved my lips as my eyes fell on Allegra who is covered up to her neck with a light blue fuzzy blanket "She's so scared now."

Eva sat on the free twin bed "I'm just happy the baby is okay. The loss would've driven her to do unimaginable things."

"Do you mean she would've taken her life?" I frowned.

"Yes, she tried once already but luckily I found her before it was too late," Eva shivered. "It was when Mariano left; he was her entire life and to see him marry so quickly after everything ended, it poisoned her thoughts."

"No one will ever hurt her again or any of you, I'll make sure of that," I showed Eva a smile before exiting the room with my shoes in my hands. My back hurts when I walk and there's a big bruise on my right buttcheek, apart from the faint bruise Mariano's slap caused on my cheek.

When I walked into my bedroom, Apollo was standing in front of the TV with a towel around his hips but his attention was on me as soon as he heard the door "Princess," he walked towards me "how is she?"

"Same as yesterday," I sighed.

He cupped my face to check my cheek "I'm going to murder him."

"No," I said sternly. "He shouldn't have hit me and he clearly has a problem with me which I will resolve but don't try to squirm your way into it."


"Apollo, I'm grateful for you defending me but this can't be solved with fists," I tickled his torso with my nails. "Right now let's just concentrate on taking care of Allegra; we were lucky this was just a mild scare but you heard the Doctor: She is going to have to take it easy for the rest of the pregnancy."

My husband nodded with a weak smile "I really like it when you take control of things and scold me, sometimes it makes me want to give you my job and become a stay-at-home dad."

I chuckled weakly, turning around "In your dreams. If I'm gonna have ten kids I'll stay at home for as long as I want to, hubby. Unzip me."

"See?" he unzipped my dress "it's so hot when you become the capo."

My right eyebrow arched as I gazed at him over my shoulder "Apollo, we are not having sex."

He gasped "What? Why?"

I turned around with an arched eyebrow "Because you need to get to work and I need to shower."

"I'm not going to work, princess, I'm staying here to take care of Allegra and Mariano if requested. So, sex?" the man grinned, trying to convince me.

I crossed my arms, giving it a thought since it might help me relax "I need to shower."

He whined like a little kid "Fine!" then he stomped into the closet which caused the towel to fall off his body and then he tripped on it "Ouch..." I heard from inside the closet.

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