Mr. Forever

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•Apollo DiStefano•

"This is so much better than a crowd pressuring me to say romantic vows," I whispered as we walked down the short aisle lit up by candles.

Arabella chuckled "Just you and I, like it should be," she gazed at me with a big smile. "Well, and baby Napoleon."

"Baby Naps," I patted her bump "warm enough for you bud?"

"The weather has helped the soreness," she smiled, intertwining our arms. "Thank you for this. I really needed some time away from all the chaos and the constant hovering of everyone."

"I know," I sighed. "Mariano and Allegra climbing into our bed in the middle of the night wasn't the best feeling in the world."

Arabella laughed "I actually like when Mariano pecks your lips, it's really sweet."

I rolled my eyes "I hate it, his lips taste like milk."

"Apollo, you love milk," she laughed harder, making my heart flutter and knees wobble. "Stop, you know I have to pee all the time and this isn't helping," my wife said as we stopped under the flower arch.

I cupped her face "Good, making you happy is the ultimate goal."

Her cheeks turned red and her smile faded "I hate it when you make me blush."


"Because you notice the effect you have on me and you love to use it against me," she stuck her tongue out.

I pecked the tip of her nose "I love you, princess."

"I love you too, baby," she whispered with her hands on my pecs. "Beep beep," she pinched my nipples "you should get them pierced."

"There's no way in hell I'm piercing my nipples," I pulled away and looked at the man holding a bible "please, begin."

The man nodded and handed Arabella a small bouquet of white tulips "Here, my child."

"Thank you," Arabella took it with a smile.

"Let us begin," the man grinned opening the Bible. "Apollo told me to go straight to the point so I'll shorten the speech: We are here to celebrate the pure and true love of a man and a woman, Apollo and Arabella, two souls that were initially bound together by a contract but now have found their souls entwined." I looked into my wife's eyes and thought about the first time I laid eyes on her; it seems like a lifetime ago but it was only seven months ago "You perceived each other as a burden but the sparkle in your eyes when you look at each other is evident, the way the bride blushes when the groom makes her laugh or how the groom's knees wobble when the bride smiles."

Arabella bit her lip, smiling and I felt my eyes welling up.

"Apollo, is there anything you want to say to your bride?"

I nodded, looking at my wife as my hand reached in the breast pocket of my jacket "Yes," I unfolded the paper and felt tears running down my cheeks "sorry," I wiped my tear away. "Arabella, princess, baby girl, wifey, upcoming MILF, moon of my life and capo of my heart, I want to tell you how much I love you but there are no words in either of our languages –mine because you speak like 69 languages– to tell you so here's the 109th version of this speech: It didn't take long for my heart to long for yours. The first time I kissed you, I knew I was in trouble. When you did what you did to the wedding planner you scared the fuck out of me but I still felt so drawn to you..." I took a deep breath and glanced at her, she was looking at me like a lost puppy. "The first time I saw a picture of you I was 13 and which means you were 2 and it was the weirdest thing when my dad told me you were going to be my wife one day," I chuckled at the memory "but here we are, 16 years later, in love, married, on route to growing old together," I looked away from the paper to focus on my wife. "That's how long I got but here goes my adlib," she laughed at my dumb joke which is why I adore her "that's what I live for," I pointed at her "that laugh, blushing cheeks, whenever you cup your face to hide the deep blush, those few times you push me away when I kiss you in front of the family but most importantly: The warrior inside you, a living goddess who has shown me that the only thing that matters is here," I pointed at my heart. "I've never seen someone fight as you do, take control as you do," I wiggled my eyebrows and she pushed me playfully, making me chuckle. "I didn't realize I needed saving until you walked through those doors months after we last saw each other, months filled with endless nights thinking about the possibility of never laying eyes on you again or hearing your morning groans before you push me off the bed or the regret of not making love to you more often..." tears were taking over my cheeks. "I love you, thank you and I do aren't enough. Dal sangue, da una promessa, e dall'amore," my voice cracked.

Mrs. Mafia [18+]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें