Mr. Accident

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•Apollo DiStefano•

"Are you excited, sweetheart?" I asked Viola as she played with the stuffed bunny I bought her before picking her up.

She nodded violently with a big smile, just like her sister "Very much, I miss my sister oh so much!" Viola giggled.

I smiled, ruffling her hair "She misses you too, and she's so excited for you to help decorate the nursery."

She leaned her head on my arm "Thank you, Apollo; I know you kept your promise to keep my sister happy."

"It's been my pleasure–"

"SIR GET DOWN!" Amos shouted before people started shooting at our armored car. The driver was the first one to die so the car was out of control. My arms were holding Viola as close as possible throughout everything to protect her.

It was all black for a couple of minutes, I could hear the sirens of first responders. Then I saw someone approaching the car which was upside down "You must help the little girl first," I groaned at the sharp pain in my rib cage.

The man who was dressed in all black didn't look like a first responder "We are not here to help," he smirked before shooting me with some sort of dart "Arabella..." I whispered before closing my eyes.

I've only been kidnapped once before and I never talk about it since it took something–someone—very special from me.

When I opened my eyes it was to cold water, I looked down at myself and saw I was only wearing pants and socks and there was a bandage around my torso, then I gazed up, hearing a lot of voices talking at the same time: there were at least five screens, in each there was a news program with images of the accident, then there were pictures and videos of Arabella that were taken on our honeymoon.

"Princess..." I whispered as I tried to get up but I was tied from my wrists and ankles to the metal chair which was screwed to the floor "Arabella!" I yelled in frustration seeing her enter the funeral home in which people are supposed to mourn me, Mariano covered her which means he's following the letter I left him. In the short months of knowing each other, they became pretty close, like brother and sister; I'm glad they have each other in these times.

"She can't hear you," someone said as they walked into the room, a fucking female voice I abhor.


"We told you, you would regret doing what you did," Gaia added as she entered the concrete room.

I growled, looking at the two of them "What have you done?! Where is Viola?!"

"Oh she's dead, she was not in our plans but her death is the cherry on top to make your wife miserable for the rest of her lonely life," Gaia stated, crossing her arms with a smirk.

I looked at the screens once again "She has never done anything to you, never, why would you want to break her this way?"

"Because she got away with marrying you!" Alina yelled.

"WE'VE BEEN ENGAGED SINCE HER MOTHER WAS PREGNANT WITH HER!" I shouted in anger and tried harder to break free from the ropes "When I had sex with both of you, you both knew where I stood so don't play fucking victim!"

Alina growled, walking to me and slapped me "That's no way of speaking to your future wife!"

I groaned in pain since she scratched my cheek as she slapped me "I only have one wife," I stated, turning my head to the two crazy women in front of me "her name is Arabella DiStefano, she's carrying my child–"

"And does she know your darkest deepest secret?" Gaia interrupted with a smirk.

"Yes," I simply replied.

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