Mr. & Mrs. On Time

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•Apollo DiStefano•

"Princess, that room is what my mother told you it once was," I lied to my wife as she jumped into her black leggings.

Arabella sighed, sitting on the yoga mat in front of the TV "She seemed so startled and frantic, I don't know..." she shrugged.

I stood up to squat down at her height "Princess, I don't want you to worry about these daily things, it's not good for you or the baby."

Her chin tilted up so our eyes met "I'm sorry, it just seemed odd. I was concerned for Minerva. That's all."

I pecked her temple "I'll see you at dinner little lady and baby," I leaned down to kiss her little bump which is still not visible to the naked eye but to me who stares at it for as long as possible, it's there just tiny.

Arabella is not a fan of me coming back so late at night, she has been having a rough time with her pregnancy symptoms and my sisters are not good nurses so sometimes my wife feels alone but I have to work.

"Be careful!" She shouted as I walked out of the bedroom "I love you!"

"I love you too, princess!" I shouted back with a smile on my face. As soon as I was out of the room, my smile faded. I have to go see my mother. I dashed downstairs, on route to my parents' bedroom to find my dad watching TV and my mom praying by the bed.

"Mamma," I walked to her. "What happened last night?"

She sighed, gazing at me "She almost uncovered the furniture."

I gulped "What? Why was the door unlocked?"

"Because I had it cleaned yesterday evening and I was supposed to lock the door but forgot," she said and seemed incredibly repented.

My arms embraced her "Mom, we need to be more careful if you want it to be a secret...I don't like hiding this from Arabella and it's harder if there are clues laying around."

My mom caressed my cheeks which calms me down "I'm sorry, dear, I promise I'll be more careful," her eyes are so tender and loving, even as I'm scolding her.

"Rest, mamma," I said, before pecking her forehead. "I'll be back for dinner."

"You better," she said as I exited her room. My mom is scared of my job, but nothing has ever happened to me after the incident so I don't pay much attention to her worry, besides my dad was the boss of the family for decades and nothing ever happened to him.

Today I have millions of things to take care of, but the most important one will get done on my way back home. It's going to be a happy night for the family, especially for Arabella. Soon she has her 12-week ultrasound and we are all very excited, we might find out the sex of our baby which excites me to the core although the result won't change how much I'll love my child.

I had breakfast at the office since Arabella didn't wait for me this morning, but I can't blame her; she's eating for two.

"I don't think we should invest," I said, sitting the head of the table of meeting room 1.

John looked at me as if I was crazy "What do you mean, Apollo? This is a great opportunity."

"I don't like the owner," I said. "All of the Whitehall apartment complexes have been bombarded with lawsuits for faults in the structures; it might be easy money but I will not risk the company's integrity nor mine for quick cash."

"Those were mere accusations," he insisted with a smile.

"I don't fucking care, we are not investing, John," I looked at my assistant "Who's my next appointment?"

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