Ms. Claws

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•Arabella Bianchi•

My eyes flickered to Apollo's desk, looking for my blade which I immediately spotted, it's still where it was yesterday.

"I don't understand why you're so affected by it," Leslie chuckled mocking me which doesn't help her case "Apollo has told me many times that your marriage is a duty he must perform in order to grow his empire; on the other hand, he has chosen to be with me–"

    "Be with you?" I crossed my arms, approaching the desk. "Do explain that to me, please; I'm begging to be entertained," it's amusing how naive can some people be.

    Leslie scoffed, seemed offended by my comment "I am a choice and you're a responsibility. You're truly just a pretty face."

    "The prettiest you'll ever see," my right hand picked up my blade, admiring the sharp edge.

    "What are you doing?" She took a step back.

    My right eyebrow arched as a smirk curved the left side of my mouth "I've been throwing knives since I was seven," I informed. "I could aim at your carotid whilst you run out of here and hit my target, maybe let you bleed out on this god-awful carpet," I took a step forward, causing her to back away. "Or I could allow you to keep your life under the condition that you go on with your life, acting as if this encounter or any that has happened with the members of this family never happened. It's your choice, and I wouldn't recommend to choose a cock over yourself, darling."

    Leslie gulped, looking at me, frightened to the bone; her legs were sort of shaky "But the wedding–"

    "Send everything you have to my mother-in-law and everything will be sorted, but your services are no longer required. Understood?" I pointed at her with my knife.

    The woman nodded frantically as she desperately picked up her clothes before rushing out of Apollo's home studio.

    It was fun. Being the one who threatens has always been sort of something I wished to accomplish since it's always been done to me, and they all leave with a satisfactory smile on their faces.

    Apollo got up from his chair and made his way towards me "Well, that solves that pro–"

    My left hand nimbly reached for his tie to pull his face down to my height as I pressed the blade against his groin "If you ever so much as think of cheating on me I will hang you from a bridge by the balls."

    My actions made him grin "All right, princess."

    "I'm not your princess, asshole," I let go of him and threw the knife at his chair where his head is supposed to rest. When I opened the door, everyone was standing outside, trying to act normal "We will be needing a new wedding planner," I calmly walked past them on my way to the stairs.

As I made my way upstairs I felt someone trailing me and knew who it was but I never looked back to make sure. When I was finally in Apollo's bathroom, I opened the water and took the rest of clothes off. Just when I was about to unclip my bra a pair of hands came to my assistance "Let me," he whispered huskily into my ear and I didn't fight him.

I let it slip down my arms and fall to the floor, next I slipped off my boots and then took my jeans off along with my panties. The door suddenly closed, leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I was jealous; someone was grasping for something that belongs to me.

He's marrying me which means he's mine like I've been promised to be only his'.

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