Ms. Innocent

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•Arabella Bianchi•

Maybe he's not that bad, or maybe my mind is playing games with me.

The warm sunlight woke me up. I slept in his bed, with his arm around my body. I can still feel it tightly around my waist even if it's not there.

"No, ti ho detto molte volte che prima hai tagliato la lingua e poi la punta del naso," I heard him say way too calm as he stood by the window giving me his back.

(No, I have told you many times that first you cut the tongue and then the tip of the nose.)

I hadn't noticed his tattoo. There are wings covering almost 100% of his back and the lunar phases going down his spine in between the wings. I don't know how I didn't see the ink peeking last night. However, I did notice he has the word 'ROUGH' tattooed above the knuckles of his right hand.

I stood up and felt a breeze on my chest that sent shivers up and down my spine. A small whine left my mouth that made him turn around.

A smirk was plastered on his face when he saw me "Do your job or you'll be the test subject of my new techniques," he hung up and threw his phone to the bed which was between us.

I'm not gonna lie and tell you that what he said with that smirk on his face wasn't sexy, because it was. Something in my panties tingled. His abs looked so mother fucking delicious...I hate myself.

"Take it all in, baby girl," he said huskily and for some reason, his gaze was locked on my breasts and I liked feeling that kind of attention from him "and cover yourself, I don't want you sneezing at the wedding," he said before walking away to the bathroom.

My right eyebrow arched and then my eyes went wide when my gaze fell down to find my left boob out and about. I quickly fixed the tank top he gave me last night, I don't know why I accepted it, I should've just slept in the mesh bodysuit and the joggers...

Okay, maybe I do know...he stopped Viola from shedding more tears than she already had and no one but me is able to do that. Apart from the ice cream, I don't know what else happened in the kitchen but my sister seemed quite tranquil when she sat down beside me.

I sat on the bench at the foot of the bed with my arms crossed tightly against my chest, covering myself as much as I could. The water was running in the bathroom and the door wasn't even a bit closed. I licked my lips hearing him let out a sexy groan...I hate teen hormones and his delicious body. After a couple of minutes the water stopped and the sound of the glass doors being slid open was audible but my eyes stayed on my feet.

"You should get ready to have breakfast," he said and I looked up to find him–UHM–completely naked and with an innocent smile adorning his handsome face. My eyes went wide at the size of his member, I know I bit my lip because my tongue tasted blood...

Is it weird that I felt the instant urge to get on my knees? Most likely.

"I-I," I stood up quickly and dashed to the bathroom with my sight down. My body temperature went up in a matter of seconds as I leaned my back against the wall.

Yesterday when he told me about touching his wife–me in 6 days–however, and whenever he wanted it did turn me on but I was mad at him because he seems to have little care for my wishes which isn't anything new to my life but still; that's why I tried to stab his neck, he did deserve it.

"Biscotto," he said standing by the doorway because I forgot to close the door! He was now wearing only pants "Your clothes are in the room adjacent to this one if you want to go change but shower first," he looked at me up and down as if he knew what was underneath the clothes "make it quick," he ordered, walking away.

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