"Come now, handsome, I thought I taught you better manners than that," Rouge giggled, clearly enjoying the rare spectacle of a disconcerted Shadow. The poor guy really hadn't been able to catch a break ever since he came back.

    "Who set this up?" Shadow demanded darkly, "If it was that blundering idiot Andrews, I'll kill him."

    "Agent Shadow, need I remind you what will happen if you harm a fellow agent?" Towers stated flatly, making the angry hedgehog look away with his arms tightly crossed over his chest, "And, for your information, it was not the captain that organized this. Team Dark is managed by only the highest personnel in the GUN."

    "That's still no excuse for hiring this...woman on to my team," he growled indignantly.

Rouge couldn't help but giggle at his poor attempt of dissuading his commanding officer. Shadow hmphed indignantly at her.

"You enjoy watching me suffer. Don't you?"

"It's a guilty pleasure, hon," she admitted playfully before turning her teal gaze to the human, "But in all honesty, Commander, we don't need another member. Team Dark is perfect just the way it."

Shadow was momentarily surprised by Rouge's statement, but he assumed she was just trying to protect her status amidst the other agents. Two beautiful and equally stubborn women on the same team was a recipe for disaster, not to mention drama.

    Crimson eyes glanced over and matched the golden pair staring at him. Sasha was enjoying the dispute, he realized, as if she knew nothing they said would make a difference. His gaze hardened into a glare.

    "Why do you want to add her to the team?" he snapped, "We do what normal people can't. We stop people like her, so what is it you're not telling us?"

    "One of the gang's members escaped before we could get custody. The brown bat—"

   "Flint," Shadow supplied automatically. The Commander sent a stern gaze his way for being interrupted, but it was shrugged off.

    "Flint had disappeared just before the arrest was made, as stated in the mission report. We have been trying to track him down but have not yet been successful. Word has also reached us that allies of the ring believe him to be the spy that turned your old associates in."

    Shadow frowned at that piece of news. The ring had many contacts throughout Westopolis alone. The kid wouldn't stand a chance.

    "What does that have to do with us and kitty over here?" Rouge queried, biting back a remark about GUN's inability to catch a missing thief.

    "The bat could reveal Shadow's alternate identity to other criminals, which cannot happen."

    "Because eventually, you'll need me to play the bad guy again, right?" Shadow quipped angrily. His comment was ignored.

     "It is up to Team Dark to bring him in. As another member of the same group, Sasha here will be providing additional inside information and assistance. You will also be tasked with finding out if he has sold Shadow's alter-ego to anyone yet."

   "We don't need her help," the dark agent growled. Sasha smirked, He's still so cute when he's angry.

    The black and red hedgehog turned to leave, "This idea is a joke at best. I can find Flint just fine on my own. I don't need the assistance of a criminal to do that."

    "And what were you before you joined GUN?" Towers spoke up. His patience had finally reached its end.

    Shadow stopped. That was a dirty and underhanded trick, and both of them knew it.

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