No fake, R e a l (1)

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Sometimes I imagine a world where there are no lies, no hate, no fake behaviour, just..peace.
And this peace is eternal. It has no end.
The trees, bushes and wild flowers only bloom for those living there, the streets have the seasonal flowers' scent lingering around, dancing hand in hand with the wind. Clean, with no cans, cigarette stubs or plastic laying around. Every street has one row of trees next to each sidewalk, bicycles everywhere, no cars within sight. The people are kind, loving, helping one another with as much as they possibly can.
There is no hate, no bullying, or discrimination.
The kids can play outside as much as they want, in the park, backyard or in front of the house, the parents don't have to be scared or worry about their precious children, there are no killers, no rapists, no human trafficking, all that is in the past, like it never happened.
The city center is filled with people, it's a great, peaceful place to spend their afternoon walking, drinking some coffee or juices at the coffee shops, watching the sunset from a bench or looking at the nicely placed statues and decorated buildings. They can buy flavoured popcorn and cotton-candy, bagel and donuts, and any drink they could possibly imagine.
Teens laughing next to a statue, you could tell they just got out of school, some put their bagpacks on the bench. Parents looking at their children with love in their eyes, watching them play, while they talk to each other. Elders walking slowly, watching the gorgeous view, spending time outside, smiling. Some kids cycling through the main square as fast as they can, like nothing coild hurt them. To the right! An art teacher keeps his classes outside, on the fresh air. They have to sketch, draw or paint the church, museum, library or the people sitting in front of them. They all are talented and have bright futures ahead of them. Every time they have classes the main square gets a special smell, unlike the usual sweetness this smell is more paint-like, paper-like, as if their creativity would fuel this place, it almost glows. And to the left! Every bench is occupied. Some are reading, some couples are hugging, one laying their head on the other's shoulder and some just enjoy the nice, sunny weather. On one side of the road a man is approaching the resting people, in hid hand, dozens and dozens of roses, red like a young lover's lips, you could tell he's coming from streets away. He only brings the most gorgeous, fresh, glowing flowers he could find. The people turn their heads his way, smile, buy a few for their loved ones and continue with their daily activities.
Art would bloom in this world, it would be everywhere and it would fill every broken piece of someone's heart with joy and appreciation, realizing how important it actually is to keep their head up.
Sometimes I wish it would be real, if we could live in peace next to each other, without fights or war. Without that constant hate in the air. The fear each human has, is saddening. Everyone hiding behind their precious little masks that they created, because no one can see their true self, no! That would be terrifying. Everyone knows our homes, workplaces, our world is turning into living hell, but we can't- or won't do anything about it. That would mean taking off our fake personas and putting in work and actually try.

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