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  Sometimes I'm wondering whether or not I should feel more. I think I'm dull. I don't really feel shit. At least not anymore.

  I mean- I know what emotions I should have at that time being.. but sometimes I can't tell if I'm pretending or not.
  Oh yeah, I think I had an actual moment. We cried, a lot. But it took a bit of weight off of my chest. I really don't know if I feel shit or I just pretend to feel shit.

It's confusing.

  I feel tired, but energetic. Blue, but pretty happy. Emotional, but oh so numb.

I guess that's why I'm called bipolar xd...

Honestly I don't know why I started writing right now. I kinda just felt like it.
  Before, I thought everyone felt like this, that everyone thinks about death sometimes. But the doctors looked pretty worried when I said this.. maybe not? I HAVE NO IDEA.


I'm tired.

Why do I have to take pills..

  Every time I do, my stomach kinda just shrinks and I feel like vomiting and I remember that Wednesday.. I hate it.


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