Soul Searching (Jerry Baynard)

Start from the beginning

"It's Saturday," Josie answered.

"We've been back for a few days can't this wait," I said with a nod toward my parents so they would get the hint. Either they didn't realize it or were playing dumb because they ignored it.

"It's tradition," said Ruby stepping forward to try and convince me. "We're meeting up at your favorite shop."

They didn't give me time to argue as they set for the door and I looked back to my parents who hadn't uttered a word since their arrival.

"I'll be back later," I said begrudgingly as I went up the stairs to my room to change.

As I caught the train to Charlottetown I could tell they left before me and I would have to meet up with them later. When the train stopped I rushed for the shop and headed inside having seen none of the girls. I took a seat at the table furthest from the window and ordered a cup of tea.

Just as I was searching the room I saw someone approach me. He looked to be around my age and I smiled at him as he awkwardly took a seat. I gave him a curious look and saw him pulling at his tie.

"I'm Eric," he said outstretching his hand his voice wavering, I took it in mine as I told him my name his eyebrows rose in surprise and he said, "You're- I wasn't expecting you."

"Who were you expecting?" I asked recalling Anne's words from a few days ago. His eyes darted around the room before landing on me as if recognizing me.

"It doesn't matter now," He said raking his hair with his hands. I saw his hands shake with nerves. "When I asked Anne to set me up she must have thought I meant you, no offense you're beautiful."

"Thanks, I'll let her know," I said as we were brought tea. I cooled mine down feeling his eyes on me. I let out a sigh and leaned forward. "Advice for next time exude confidence, girls like that."

"Do you?" He asked raising his cup to his lips. I saw the smile playing at his lips but answered anyway.

"I prefer them more like you actually." I saw his smile turn into a smirk and regretted my words. "Not what I meant."

"Any more advice," he said taking pity on me and going back to the subject.

After an hour we walked out of the shop and I hugged him goodbye as I  saw my friends round the corner. At the sight of me, their eyes widened and before they could get away I reached their side.

"You say tradition and set up a date for me I told you I'm taking a break from dating."

They all gave me a look of surprise. I saw Josie take my shoulders to stop me from walking and knew she was going to say something I didn't want to hear. "We get that your last relationship didn't work out, but you have to move on and this is the way to do it."

"Josie," Ruby said her voice hardened as she glared at Josie

"It's fine I get it but he wasn't expecting me, must've been one of you."

"Well I hope it was me because he was cute," Jane said giggling.


So much had changed since our time in Avonlea before Queens. Josie and Anne weren't at each other's throats as much. I was thankful for that. I hadn't seen Gilbert in so long I felt as though he was a moment in my life. But one thing that had remained the same was the afternoon tea Anne would host on the rare occasion.

I had agreed to meet up with Anne today and as much as I wanted to cancel I already promised her we would hang out. I guess I would have to make time for my parents but now that they were out of the house I didn't bother with excuses.

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