Chapter 15: Berserk

Start from the beginning

I fell to my knees out of pure fear.

Emiko: "S-She killed them... A-All of them..."

Every single one of their souls escaped from their bodies, and shot right towards Angel. The souls gathered in her left hand, forming a red ball of souls.

Siyuka immediately screamed as lightning started to surround her. The lightning formed her dragon avatar, which gave me goosebumps. I still hated that thing.

Siyuka: "You think you're strong just because you took out those weaklings?! You're nothing but a f*cking dead corpse!!!"

She leaped into the air, throwing her fist towards Angel. The dragon avatar opened its mouth, ready to devour Angel. Angel held her left hand out and spoke.

Angel: "Die......"

The ball of souls erupted in her hand, creating an enormous blast of energy, sending Siyuka to the ground. When Siyuka landed, she created a small crater. Angel started to descend from the sky, finally landing on the ground. She then started to slowly limp towards Siyuka. Suddenly, Connor started sprinting towards Angel.

Connor: "Angel!!"

Angel's scythe shrunk down to the size of a normal scythe. She stood in front of Siyuka, preparing to swing. However Connor stood between them with his hands out.

Connor: "Angel! Don't!!"

Angel stared at him blankly with her dead, black eyes. For a split second, some silver entered her eyes.

Angel: "C-Connor...?"

Connor: "Yeah, it's me. You need to snap out of it!"

Heka suddenly spoke up.

Heka: "She's going to kill him"

I quickly got to my feet.

Emiko: "W-We have to stop her!!"

Heka held his hand out, and my bow Avalon appeared in front of it. It was as good as new!

Emiko: "Y-You fixed it!"

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Emiko: "Y-You fixed it!"

Heka: "Yes, while you were in the healing pool"

I took ahold of it, and spoke to it, like it was a part of me.

Emiko: "Good to have you back"

Heka: "Aim your bow at Angel. Make sure you hit her neck. If you hit the seal mark, it will activate again, sealing this power"

Emiko: "From all the way up here?!"

A window formed in the magic sphere we were floating in.

Heka: "Yes. You are highly capable, being your mother's daughter. She was one of the best archers in the world"

The thought of my mother being a really good archer gave me some hope. Just enough to actually take the shot. I pulled the string back, making an arcane arrow form on the bow. However something was different from before. The arrow itself looked sharper, more refined, and was glowing a light blue.

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