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Louis's POV

"You packed Harry?" I asked and he dragged his bag into my room.

"Yup," he said popping the p.

"Perfect, that gives us some alone time." I said and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"And what did you want to do in that alone time?" he asked. He placed his hands on my hips.

"I think you have a good idea." I leaned in but then I heard the door slam open and we seperated.

"Hey I- Oh sorry did I just? Anyways Simon's gunna be here in like two minutes." Liam said and then he awkwardly backed out of the room as fast as he could.

"I cannot wait until we get home and have some alone time." I admitted.

"I know." Harry agreed.

"Feels like it's been forever since we really had some time alone." I said and Harry just nodded. We picked up our suitcases eager to leave. I honestly just wanted to get the hell out of this place. Sure, it would've been a nice place to vacation under normal circumstances, but this whole experience was really just a nightmare. Thank god it was finally over.

We lugged our suitcases down the stair being careful not to trip. We walked down a couple steps but then we stopped when we saw Niall and Zayn making out in front of the door. We exchanged a look and then began laughing.

"Oy, and they say we're bad." Harry said. They immediatley seperated and then laughed.

"Hey, I think Simon's here- They were just kissing weren't they?" Liam asked after he noticed us all laughing and Niall and Zayn standing so close. We all just laughed. "Oh my god I cannot wait to get out of gay couples central." Liam said running his hand through his tossled hair.

"You just can't wait to get out because you want to go snog your girlfriend." I teased him.

"Hey, I've been away for 5 weeks. You guys have all been with your partner for that time." Liam complained. I did feel a little bad for Liam.

"C'mon boys!" I heard Simon's voice. He walked into the house and my face beamed. Harry was going to get to tell him I remembered. We were going to play with Simon's 'fragile' heart though first. That's what he gets for saying he would break us up if I didn't remember. Zayn, Niall, and Liam were in on it too.

"So, Harry, how did it uhm?" he asked and Harry's face suddenly turned all sad and he actually looked like he was about to cry. He was a good actor.

"Not good." he breathed and I could see Simon was heart broken. An actual tear fell from Harry's eye. Wow, he's a better actor than I thought.

"It's okay Harry." Simon said,"I'm sorry."

"What's happening?" I asked sounding confused.

"It's nothing Louis. C'mon let's just get out of here." he tried ushering us out the door.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked.

"Simon says we can't be together." Harry said sadly.

"I'm sorry Louis, but you don't remember and it's just-" I clutched my heart and pretended to have a heart attack. Harry caught me so I didn't hit the ground.

"LOUIS!" Harry screamed.

"H-H-H.." I said pretending to die. Simon leaned down at me.

"Louis!? Are you alright?!" he asked with true care in his voice.


"You two can be together! I don't care anymore! Okay! Someone call an ambulance! Or 911! Or something!" Simon screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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