The Ring

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I woke up....alone.

I wished Harry was still there, but maybe he was packing. I remembered the song he sang me. It kind of came with the reputation of 'our song'. I wanted to hear it one last time before there was no more Larry.

I sat up in my bed and something shiny caught my eye. It was sitting on my bedside table and there was a note next to it.

Dear Boo Bear,

Who says we're over? I don't. Who cares what the hell Simon, or management, or the world has to say? I don't.

I'm sick of people telling us we can't be together, or this is never going to work out. I think it can work out, it has so far. And we can be together, there's nothing saying anyone can just split us apart like that.

I believe our love will continue no matter what happens. We survived the bullying (sorry), my fears about coming out, the hate, psycho girl, and I know we can survive amnesia. I know you may not remember all of that, but I do. And I know we will be together no matter what.

One day your memories will return, I know it with all of my heart. Just like I know I love you with all of my heart. You are the one for me. You say we're boyfriend and boyfriend, but we're more. Look at this ring, and maybe you'll figure it out.

Forgive me for everything I've done to you, which is alot. Forgive me for my stupidity back when we were thirteen. Forgive me for all of the times I've punched you and made you miserable. You tell me it's fine, but it's not so I'm sorry.

Forgive me for the danger I've put you in too. All the psychopath's that go after you, all the hate you get. That's all my fault.

I'm sorry I've failed to protect you. I promise you, nothing bad will ever happen to you again. I will keep you safe this time. Never again will you be punched an kicked and abused. I promise.

But also remember all of the good things. Prom, our first kiss, moving into the pent house, Truly Madly Deeply, tour, our first dinner with my parents, meeting your parents, the hundreds of kisses we've shared, those fun times in the bed room (If you know what I mean ;) ), everything. Everything that keeps this relationship alive.

I could write pages, and pages, and a hundred more pages about our beautiful relationship. And this is only the beginging of our life together. We still have the rest of our lives together, I don't care what anyone says.

I love you Boo Bear, and I will for the rest of my life. I know you love me too. I love you truly madly deeply. I love all of your little things. I love you because you're irresistible. I love you because you've got that one thing I've been searching for all my life. I love you because, I know it's gotta be you. I love you even if they don't know about us. I love you and I want to kiss you. I love you because you want to live while we're young. I love you Louis William Tomlinson.

Like I said before, look at the ring. Give it a good look. Look on the inside too. Maybe you'll remember more? Either way I love you forever and always. You are my one and only first and last love Louis William Tomlinson.

-Haz (Harry if you don't remember)

I could feel the tears falling freely from my eyes and onto the beautiful love letter. For the first time since I woke up though, they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of pure joy, and love, and happiness.

I remembered what the letter said and I picked up the silver ring. I gave it a good look like he said to. It had horizontal golden stripes on it. On each stripe there was a tiny engraving that said, H.S. + L.T.

I checked the inside and that's when I saw it. It was the same ring from my dreams.

They don't know what we do best, that's between me and you our little secret xx

Suddenly every memory rushed back to my brain and I relived it all in my head in one second. Then, everything went black.

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