Can We Start It All Over Again?

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Zayn's POV

We walked to the house around six hoping we had given them enough time. We left at like ten, they had to have made up by now right? Niall was skipping down the road like an idiot, and I couldn't help but join him. We were holding hands skipping down the road while Liam pretended he didn't know us.

"Do you think Louis and Harry made up?" Niall asked.

"I really hope so. They are both so bloody miserable when they're apart." I said.

"I know. I hope they ate today." Liam agreed. I didn't think about that. Over the past few days I had to drag Louis down for meals and Harry wasn't aloud to be there. It was really annoying. Harry didn't seem like he had an apetite either. It was sort of annoying, but I felt bad for them, I just wish they made up or something.

We reached the house and it was silent. No voices, no footsteps but our own. I couldn't even hear a TV on.

"Wow, that's surprising." Niall said.

"Tell me about it." I said getting suspicious.

"Where do you think they are?" Liam asked.

"Are they sleeping? What if the didn't make up?" Niall was jumping to conclusions. I had a few conclusions myself though too. Some conclusions I didn't want to walk in on...

"I'll go check upstairs." Niall said. I was about to stop him, but if I was right this was actually going to be very hilarious, so I let him. He walked up the stairs two at a time. He was so cute. I heard a sound from upstairs that made me even more suspicious, and I could tell Liam was catching on now too.

I hated how over the last five weeks Niall and I had to be careful with what we did with Harry around. We weren't being told to be careful, we just sort of agreed on it, even though we never even talked about it. Us being all coupley would make Harry even more miserable than he already was. If that's even possible.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I heard the little blonde cutie shriek like a little girl. I heard a door slam shut and his footsteps were rushing down the stairs trying to get away. Liam and I both started laughing as Niall rushed over to me and jumped into my arms.

"What happened?" I asked even though I think it was pretty clear by now what Niall had seen.

"I don't want to talk about it." he mumbled and he buried his head into my chest. We all started laughing, I could even hear Niall laughing into my chest. After about ten more minutes I heard their footsteps slowly making their way down the stairs. I tried keeping a straight face, but suddenly the three of us simultaniously burst into a fit of laughter.

They looked at us cautiously for a moment. Both of them had awful sex hair and their lips looked a bit swollen. Louis's shirt was all wrinkled, and Harry's looked like it was on backwards.

"I see you two made up." I said once I had calmed down. Niall and Liam calmed down too.

"Yeah we did." Harry said and then we all started laughing.

"You may have wanted to do your making up a little louder, then I would've known what was happening and not have to witness it." Niall said and we all laughed again.

"Sorry about that Niall." Louis apoligized.

"It's fine." he said. "I'm just happy to see you two made up! Even if I saw a little too much of the making up process." I laughed at my boyfriend. Then I saw something shining from Louis's finger, which was odd.

"Hey! You're wearing the ring!" I pointed out and Niall and Liam gasped. Louis looked down at his silver and golden wedding ring. It had golden horizontal striped on it and on each stripe it had both of their initials. The thing costed a fortune.

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