No Answers

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"I just can't believe it. I would've never expected it." said a small shaky voice. I was now awake, but I kept my eyes shut. For whatever reason I wanted to hear it.

"Awww, Harry it's alright. I'm sure it will be fine." I heard someone. My mum? Why was she talking to Harry? What were they talking about?

"I-I know. It's just....hard." I almost felt bad for him for a second.

"Hun, I know. I'm sure he will remember soon enough." Him?

They seemed to be done talking so I slowly sat up and streched my arms while yawning, showing them I was awake.

"Oh, good morning Louis!"

"Morning Mum," I greeted. Harry looked toward the ground again trying not to see my eyes.

"I think I'm gunna just get some uhm...air." Harry said and then walked out of the room. I swear I saw tears in his glowing green eyes. He certainly knew how to make things awkward.

"So, today you're getting visitors! Zayn and Niall are coming!" she exclaimed and I felt a warm smile spread across my face, but then a question sprang in my mind.

"Who's Niall?" I asked. She looked shocked at first but then she was remembering something.

"Louis I need to tell you something." she admitted.

"What is it?"

"Listen. You had a uhm... accident. And now you have a rare case of amnesia." she explained. I felt shocked. I had amnesia?!

"What's rare about it?" I asked curiously. A million different possiblities popped in my head.

"Well, you seem to only forget things that are tied to Harry."

"What do you mean?"

"Anything you did with Harry, anything that happened because of Harry, and anything with certain ties to Harry you have forgotten." she explained and my mouth formed and O.

"But, h-how is that possible?"

"We're not quite sure yet." I gulped and then asked the next question.

"Will I ever remember?" I asked and she looked at the ground.

"We're not sure yet." I saw a small tear fall from her eye.

"B-but how do I know Harry?"

"He was your....friend. Really close friend. You and him were best friends ever since your last year of High School." I nodded slowly. It was a lot to take in. I had a strange form of amnesia and I may not recover. Fabulous.

"Louis!" I heard a familiar voice scream.

"Zayn!" he ran in with a balloon in his hand. There was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who was slightly shorter than Zayn.

"How are you?" he asked curiously. My mum snuck out of the room so I had to explain.

"Well I have a rare form of amnesia." I explained the whole thing to him and he stood there in disbelief.

"How did...How could they?...This is just insane.." he seemed to be talking to himself.

"How could they do what?" I asked curiously and he looked up probably taking back what he'd just said.

"N-Nothing." he answered simply after looking at his blonde friend.

"How are you feeling?" he asked and I just shrugged. I felt fine physically, not so much mentally though. "Oh, and this is-"

"Niall." I interupted and suddenly Zayn's eyes filled with new hope.

"You remember?" The new hope was evident in his voice and I hated to let him down.

"No my mum told me you were bringing someone named Niall with you." I explained and Zayn just nodded sadly.

"Oh." he said trying not to sound too dissapointed but I saw right through it.

"Can I ask you something?" Zayn nodded and I gulped.

"Who is Harry?"

"You haven't seen Harry yet?" he asked curiously.

"No, he was there when I woke up and stuff. But why? I don't know him, why is he here?" Zayn let out a deep breath and then answered.

"He was your friend...close friend... He was uhm.. there with you when the accident happened." he explained and I furrowed my eyebrow.

"What is this 'accident' you speak of?"

"Listen, I'm not really supposed to be the one to tell you." he said and I grabbed him by the arm.

"Please, please,please,please,please!" I exclaimed and he sighed.

"I'm sorry Lou, it's not my story to tell." I laid back down in my bed.

Why wouldn't anyone tell me?

Can We Fall, One More Time? (Larry Stylinson) (Bully Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now