Waking Up

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There was absoloutley nothing.

No thoughts in my mind, no sights, no sounds.


Only a feeling.

A feeling of warm comforting arms around my cold still body. Small trickles of water, or tears, falling on my shoulders. I felt so comfortable in the welcoming arms. They were so foreign at the moment, yet at the same time so familiar.

Then the arms left.

And so did everything.

But then it was all back.

I saw blurs coming into my vision, I heard soft, faint noises in the backround. I felt the silk sheets that engulfed me in my bed.

My eyes were fully open now and I could think. I could process my thoughts now and only one thought came to my mind.

Why was I in a hospital?

My head shot up and searched the unfamiliar room. I jumped when I saw someone sleeping in a chair next to my bed. Who was he?

"Who are you?" I blurted out and the figure jumped up.

"Louis!?" he said all too excitedly. Why was this stranger so excited about me?

"How do you know my name?" I asked panicking. Why wasn't anyone I knew here? Where was my mom, or Zayn?

"I-It's me, Harry." he said like it was obvious, but it wasn't. "Please don't joke with me." he reached for my hand and I tugged away.

"What do you want with me?" I was scared now. Why was he trying to touch me?

"I-I'll go and get a doctor." he said and he rushed to his feet and ran out the door. Sweat beamed off of my face. Why was he in here, how did he know my name, and why did he try touching me? It was so weird and scarey.

"Hun you're awake!" I heard my mom scream.

"Mum!" I said excitedly. Finally someone I knew.

"Aww hun I am so happy!" she embraced me into a big hug and I never wanted her to let go. It felt like I hadn't hugged her in so long.

"Mr. Tomlinson you're awake!" a doctor exclaimed. I nodded. "Thank the lord."

"W-why am I here?" I asked.

"Listen we'll explain that in a bit, right now I should run some tests though. You hit your head pretty hard so let me ask some memory questions." he explained.

"How did I hit my head?" I asked worriedly and my mom just ran her fingers through my hair and calmed me down.

"Okay, let's start with something basic. What year is it?"

"2012." I answered easily. Nothing was wrong with my memory.

"Good. How old are you?"

"24." I answered plain and simply.

"Great! What's your full name?"

"Louis William Tomlinson." If I knew the year and my age why would I forget my name?

"Okay, let's do some harder tests. You obviously know who this is." she pointed to my mum and I nodded. How could I forget my own mum? "Who is this." she pointed to the stranger behind her that I forgot was here. His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I-I don't know. You tell me." I said and everyone frowned. Why were they frowning? Should I know him? I gave the stranger a good look. He had glowing green eyes and very curly brown hair. He was about 6 feet tall and I could see a bit of stuble on his face. I didn't recognize any of it.

"What have you been doing the past 6 years?" she asked and I frowned. I realized the past 6 years have been a bit fuzzy in my mind.

"Uhm, I... I..." I couldn't answer. I barely remembered any of it. Just tiny unimportant whisps of something I felt was bigger.

"Could I speak with you two outside for a moment please?" asked the doctor and my mum and the stranger nodded. They walked outside and I just laid there thinking.

There was something wrong with my brain. I had small whisps of things, and I felt like memories were there but they wouldn't click. It was like they were stuck behind a thick unclear fog. The type of fog where you can't see 4 meters infront of yourself.

I heard a small whimper from outside the door and I felt a pang of something in my chest. Sadness for them? It was so weird. Everything was weird though. I just woke up 10 minutes ago next to a complete stranger.

They all walked in and I gave them my most pleading eyes. I wanted to know everything. They wouldn't tell me though.

"Louis how are you feeling?" my mum asked me.

"Fine, just a tad confused, that's all." It was more than a tad.

"No aches or pains?" asked the doctor curiously.

"None to speak of at the moment." I said and he nodded.

"Good, our treatments worked." he said with a smile on his face. I nodded and then laid my head back. I had to think.Everything was so confusing and my mum could tell by the look in my eyes.

"Sweetie how about you go to bed and get your rest." she suggested and I nodded.

"That's a good idea." I said even though I litterally woke up 20 minutes ago. I looked at the people around me. I saw the curly haired stranger looking down with a few tears in his eyes. Why? "Wait mum?"

"Yes Lou?"

"W-Who is he?" I asked nervously. He looked up at me still with disbelief in his eyes. What was his problem.

"Oh, that's Harry... your uhm.. friend." she said awkwardly and 'Harry' just stared at the ground forcing himself not to make eye contact.

"Oh, okay. Uhm, good night then. Or morning, I'm not really sure." My mum let out a small laugh and then I was off in dreamland.

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