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Harry's POV

I heard the thunder roar just as I was walking down the hall to my bedroom. It was actually quite loud and it shook the whole house. I heard a small whimpering as I walked past Louis's room.


He's deathly afraid of thunder storms, and I'm the only person he's ever admitted it to. The thunder boomed again and I heard crying.

My hand gently and quietly pushed the door open. He was lying in a messy bed wrapped in blankets trying to muffle his crying. 

I gently laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around his trembling body. He was so scared and I knew needed to help him. 

He seemed to calm down at my touch and then he spun around. He didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled because he was actually being comforted by me.

He slowly drifted to sleep and I actually felt slightly happy for once. He fell into a peaceful sleep. My mind wandered onto a topic I thought about a lot.

The sparks. I wasn't sure if he had felt them at all. He had to though, right? He was still the same Louis. But what if he didn't. What if his accident caused him to forget the feelings he had for me, and everything about me forever? What if he never did remember me?

Then I made a silent vow to myself. I would be by Louis's side no matter what happened. Whether he ever remembered me or not, I had to protect him. Whether he...fell in love with someone else or not I would always be there for him. He needs me almost as much as I need him. 

I have hurt Louis so many times before, I can't mess up again. I don't care if he hates me or loves me or only sees me as a friend. Either way I promise I will always be protecting Louis for the rest of my life.

Louis's POV

I woke up actually feeling happy after last night. My mind wasn't bombarded with horrible, and creepy dreams of this Haz person. The dreams were peaceful even though they still included Haz.

Suddenly I remembered what happened last night. Harry had come in and cuddled with me to calm me down. Was that a normal thing? Do best friends do that? We did apparently share a bed at our house.

I felt so weird, yet not so weird. Which made it even weirder.

Harry wasn't there when I woke up, which was actually kind of good. It would be 10000 times more awkward if he was still there. We would both be mortified if the other guys found us cuddling together. Or would we? I was not sure.

I don't remember ever being that close with Zayn or anyone else, but maybe things are different? Maybe we're closer? Or maybe he was just comforting me, right? 

He was just comforting me! I shouldn't think anything of it. He was just being a good friend. How did he know I was afraid of thunder? Did I tell him? I couldn't remember, because I can't remember anything about Harry. Why can't I just remember Harry!?

I walked down the stairs not looking at Harry, although he continuesly looked at me making me very uncomfortable.

"Morning," I said to everyone and I grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and the box of fruity pebbles.

"Sleep well?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I slept fine." I poured the milk and then walked to the table with them. "How about you guys?"

"Just like any other night." Zayn shrugged but I could see a cheeky grin on Niall's face, which scared me.

I heard the phone begin to ring and Harry went for it since it was usually him Simon wanted to talk to, and Simon was the only one who ever called us.

"It's for you." Harry said and he handed Liam the phone. Liam seemed surprised seeing as Simon probably rarely spoke to Liam.

"Hello?" he answered and he took the phone away from his ear. We could hear screaming.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I really needed to talk to her it's been three weeks....Yes I know and I'm sorry...Yes...Bye." he slammed the phone down and walked upstairs not saying a word to us. You could feel the tension he left in the room.

"What do you think that was about?" Niall asked.

"Well, they were talking about Liam talking to a female." A grin spread across Zayn's face. "I bet he called Sarah."

"Oooh, that boy is in trooouble." Niall said and we laughed.

I walked into my bedroom and just laid down and thought about...my life. It was so confusing, and not just because I didn't remember part of my life, but because I might also have feelings for Harry. Which is beyond wrong.

After last night for whatever reason, I feel closer to him. I feel like he is more than a friend in my mind. I don't know why. I also feel like I have an attraction to him, and it's so strange on many levels.

His gorgeous curls that bounce perfectly as he walks. His glowing green eyes that get me everytime. The way his skin feels on my skin. It felt so....perfect.

But so wrong

I had to tell Harry. He deserves to know right? Besides, the worst thing he could say is no. I don't understand why people say that actually. If he says no, that is very bad. I don't want him to say no, that doesn't make me feel better.

If I say something though it might ruin whatever friendship we had or have. I can't lose him completely. I'd rather be his friend then lose him completely.

My feet still carried me to Harry and Liam's room despite what I thought. I felt so horrible. I felt like I was going to puke again. Ever since our fingers touched that one time I've felt sick everytime we are going to be alone. I had to do it though. I had to find out whether he feels the same way.

The door stood right infront of me. I reached my hand out to the doorknob and my knees were feeling wobbly like they did when I met Simon. I breathed in deeply and twisted the knob. The door opened but it flew back shut just as fast as it had opened.

"I need to talk to you HAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed and I slammed the door shut.

Harry was completely naked, begining to put on his boxers. I huffed and puffed outside his door and slumped down across the hall from his room. Why did I always pick the wrong time to forget to knock at people's doors? I heard his doorknob beginging to twist and I just ran down the hall to my room mortified.

I slammed my door shut and locked it. I ran my fingers through my bed head. That was...that was....that was indescribable. I felt so weird when I saw him for that milisecond. Something new washed over me.

Why did I like it?


How you guys liking it? Still many chapters to come! Yippie! And then the trilogy is over :'( Especially sad because I have ever chapter written up but I'm still editing them a lot before I publish them. 

Also you guys should go read my new story called "My Hero" if you haven't already. I have a LOT written up already as drafts but I've only publish the prolouge and chapter 1. That book is actually going to be ATLEAST 40 chapters long. Yay! :)

Caution though. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as self harm and suicide and all that stuffs do not read. The whole book is pretty much based off of dat stuff so if ya don't like it don't read it.

Thanks guys loves you! xx :)

Can We Fall, One More Time? (Larry Stylinson) (Bully Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now