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Harry's POV

I was crying my eyes out by the time Liam walked in. I sat in the corner and Liam shut the door and rushed over to me when he saw me.

"What happened Harry?" he asked sitting down next to me. He looked worried but I knew he knew it would be about Louis.

"He..He doesn't love me anymore." I cried and I rested my head on his shoulder. He patted my shoulder affectionatley.

"You don't know that Harry. You jump to conclusions too quickly." he said but I shook my head.

"No..I went to his room..W-we talked for a bit..then I kissed him...He started k-kissing m-me back but t-then he s-stopped in the middle of it," I stopped to sob some more,"And he looked..disgusted. He b-backed away from me and I l-left. He doesn't remember Liam a-and my life is over."

"Wait you kissed him?" I nodded my head. "Harry, he might've just been shocked that you kissed him."

"Liam you didn't see the look he had on his face." I said.

"I know, but I also know Louis loves you. Deep down those memories are there. He will love you again Harry." he tried reassuring me but I just shook my head.

"Liam, h-he's going to f-find someone else...g-get married..a-and.." I couldn't finish the sentence. I just sobbed on Liam's shoulder again.

"He won't Harry, I know it. He loves you. He's your husband."

"He won't be my husband for long. Liam I have one week to get Louis to remember, and he doesn't remember anything about me! He hates me."

"Harry did bullying get in the way of your relationship?" Liam asked.

"No." I shook my head and wiped my eyes.

"Did other people not accepting you?"

"No." I answered.

"Did fame?"

"No." I was getting sick of this already.

"Did a psychotic girl?" I cringed at those horrible memories. Louis was lucky to forget that.


"Well, I don't think amnesia will either. Harry you and Louis are like the super-couple. You have survived things other couples would've crumbled under. You survived it all. I know it won't stop now." Liam said but it wasn't convincing me.

"It's over now though Liam. Amnesia did ruin it. Fame did too. A psycho girl too. Actually many psycho girls did." I said and Liam had nothing else to say, because it was true. And there was no other way of convincing me.

Louis doesn't love me anymore.

Louis's POV:

Week 4: Sunday

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It brought back what I would say are half of my memories of Harry. I didn't tell anyone because I was shocked. There were many many pieces to the puzzle that were missing, but this is what I dicovered.

Harry and I dated.

Or are dating. I'm not really sure. I think I ruined it when we kissed. I didn't mean to make a disgusted face. It was actually more of a confused one. Harry kissed ME. Harry fancies me. No, Harry loves me.

And I love him too.

I couldn't bring myself to tell him that though. I don't know why. I was so overwhelmed, I just couldn't. And now I feel so awkward around him, because I think he might hate me now. Or he might not want to be with me now.

Can We Fall, One More Time? (Larry Stylinson) (Bully Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now