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I woke up to the telehone screaching downstairs. My eyes flickered open and I walked down the stairs because it seemed like everyone else's door was shut.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Morning Louis, sorry to wake you. Would you mind putting Harry on the line?" Simon asked.

"Mhmm," I walked up the stairs and walked into Liam and Harry's room.

"Harry, phone for you." I said and he sat up and rubbed his eyes. I held out the phone to him and he grabbed it. 

"Hello....Yeah..No it wasn't me...okay." he said and he took the phone from his ear. "Could you give this to Zayn?"

"Sure," I said sounding more awake. I walked down the hall to Zayn and Niall's room. I was still half asleep so I barely had any idea of what I was doing. I didn't even bother knocking, but I should've.

I walked into the worst imaginable scene ever.

"Hey Zayn-AHHHHH!" I slammed the door shut as soon as I opened it. I was certainly wide awake now.

I just caught Niall and Zayn mid snog. They were ontop of eachother and Zayn was only in his boxers while I wasn't even sure if Niall had clothes on. I shut the door before I figured that out.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Harry screamed and he and Liam both ran from their room. Liam had a golf club in his hand. I would've laughed, but I was scarred for life now.

"Are you okay Louis?" Liam asked and they both rushed over to me. I was standing outside Zayn and Niall's door which I had shut seconds before.

"Hello? What was that?" asked the voice on the phone which was now on the floor.

"What happened?" Harry repeated, calmer this time. I was surprised I didn't break the phone, the way I threw it.

"You don't want to know." I was breathing rapidly. What did I just witness?

"What do you mean? What did you see?" Liam asked and Niall and Zayn rushed out of their room with their hair messed up and wrinkled clothes on. Both of their lips were swollen.

"Woah," Liam said.

"Oh my," Harry gasped and Zayn and Niall looked mortified.

"Will somebody tell me what's happening?!" asked Simon angrilly. Harry picked up the phone.

"Sorry Simon, Louis just got spooked by something. Here's Zayn." he tossed the phone to Zayn. Zayn shot Harry an annoyed and angry look but he spoke.

"Hello....Yes...Yeah he really did...Well just three but I think that it's promising..thank you..bye" Zayn spoke on the phone.

"What was that about?" Liam asked directing the conversation away from Zayn and Niall.

"Simon wanted to ask me about Louis getting some memories back. Nothing major." I wasn't listening though, I was thinking about Zayn and Niall.

"Are you two dating?" I blurted out and they exchanged a worried glance for a few moments. Eventually Zayn sighed and answered.

"Yeah, we are." he said.

"Since when?!"

"T-Ten Months ago." Niall answered and I was shocked. I baffled at them.

"B-But..H-How..W-Why didn't you tell me?" I asked feeling a little hurt and I could tell Zayn's chest panged with guilt.

"We wanted to see if you'd remember." he explained. " And we didn't want to stress you or anything."

"But, why didn't you just tell me? I feel like you're all keeping secrets from me." I whispered the last part. "Alright if anyone else has a secret relationship they are keeping from me tell me right now!" I demanded and I looked at Liam who hung his head in shame.

"I've been dating a girl named Sarah for three years and a half years." he admitted.

"Three years?! And you didn't bother telling me?"

"I'm sorry Louis, I thought you'd be overwhelmed. I just saw you for the first time since you woke up not that long ago." he explained.

"I still don't forgive you, but your reason is more reasonable." I pointed out and Zayn and Niall hung their heads. Then I looked at Harry.

"Anything you wanna tell me?! Have you been keeping about a relationship?" It came out much harsher than I meant it to, but I was angry. He looked at the ground sadly.

Liam, Niall and Zayn all looked at eachother panicked as Harry looked like he was just going to open his mouth. He was about to say something but he stopped. I saw the tears begin to fall down from his eyes and he just walked away and slammed his bedroom door shut.

I stared at the door in disbelief for a while. What did I do wrong? I didn't mean to make him cry. Why was he so emotional?

"W-What did I do?" I turned to Zayn, Niall and Liam. They all just sort of looked down and then looked at eachother sympathetically.

"Just drop it Louis." Liam said and he walked downstairs.

"We're really sorry Lou." Zayn apoligized,"Don't ask Harry about his status though or his love life."

"Why? Did he just get a breakup or something?" Zayn and Niall just stared down at the ground.

"It's complicated Lou. Just don't bring it up." Niall said sadly and with that they both walked back into their bedroom. I felt guilty all of a sudden. Was he in a bad relationship? Did he just get dumped or something?

I couldn't help but come up with possible scenario's about Harry's love life. Each one of them gave me a strange uncomfortable feeling in  the pit of my stomach.

I stared at the door for a few more minutes and I heard soft sobbing. I was tempted to walk in. I stood outside his door and help my fist up to knock, but then I lowered it. I turned away and took my time to get to my room. I looked back one last time with the same temptation to go in and comfort Harry, but I just walked into my room and sat alone.


Woah we have like 200 reads on here now! Thanks guys!

Please please please go read my story "Paynefully In Love With You" it's my newest Niam story and I really want lots of reads on it! :)

Thanks guys and keep reading!

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