"I know it's super bright but it's cute right?" I did a little turn causing the water to splash up my leg making me shiver.

"Umm yeah, I guess." He submerged his whole body in the water coming back up about a minute later. I watched as the water danced off his back, his muscles moving like a collective unit. His biceps bulged as he tightened his bun. His body was a work of art and I couldn't lie. I was jealous. Everything about him was so hard and firm and here I was just soft and squishy everywhere. I usually wasn't too self-conscious about my body but being around people like Thor and even Thomas whose body was banging too made me feel some type of way. Growing up I was used to being the fat friend who no one ever wanted to date so having a boyfriend that loved keeping up with himself and appearances made me feel like I had to work double-time to make sure I looked presentable and not sloppy at all times. Looking at Thor was just the reminder that although I never wanted to be buff I would probably never be the standard either.

He turned to face me once more, this time his eyes looking into mine "Are you okay?"

"Yup, just overthinking."

He splashed me causing me to screech "HEY! I'm sorry we can't all be like you and hop right in."

He tilted his head to the side  "Well how else are you suppose to get in?"

"In segments duh. First, you start with the ankles, and then you go to the KNees," I screamed once the water hit my knees "then I wait here until my body gets used to that then you do the thighs, and then you gotta wait that out because next is the goodies and that's when it feels the coldest. Some people break it down first the cooch then the boobs but I just get both out of the way' and finally if hair permits it you do the head."

"Soooo is this one of those days where getting your hair wet is okay?"  He came closer eyeing the cornrows I did last night.

"This hairstyle is water sa-" I couldn't get the last part out before Thor picked me up and Threw me into the water.

"Ohhh I hate you! You are going to get it now mister" I sputter spitting water out of my mouth. I swam toward him the only thought on my mind was revenge and knocking that stupid ass smile off his face. He turned away from me and I took that moment to propel myself forward and jump on his back.

"Gotcha!" For a moment I thought I had the upper hand until he grabbed my thighs to keep me from getting away as he moved us backward. "Wait! Hold up what's happening here? Wait-"

He turned to look at me with a sinister smile on his face "You might want to plug your nose." I tried wiggling out of his grip but his large hands tightening their hold on my thigh.

"Wait bruv, let's talk about-"

"No more talking. 5, 4, 3" I plugged my nose and once he got to two he fell backward submerging us. I couldn't help but laugh as we came up. I hopped up a little so I could wrap my legs around him better, tightening my arms around his neck; making me press closer to him. Thor gasped a little, his grip slipping for just a moment.

"You're stuck with me now sir, I would like to go over to the rock please." I pulled lightly on a few strands of hair that managed to get loose. "Come on Thor to the rock wall!" I bucked on his back pulling slightly harder on his hair.

When he still didn't move I leaned over to see his face but before I could he went underwater keeping just my head above as we made our way to where I was trying to go.


"Holy crapola that was so much fun!" I panted wrapping a towel around my body, taking a seat on the blanket. We played Marco Polo, how long can you hold your breath and I even convinced him to be a water bender, and like they say time flies when you are having fun because it was two hours later until we decided to call it quits.

"I'm glad you had fun. Here." he thrust a sandwich into my hand and I tore into the wrapper greedily finishing it in four bites.

"Swimming takes a lot out of you." glad he ignored me when I said we didn't need to bring six of them; as I grabbed a second one and a bag of chips. "After this, I'm going to need a long nap before I head home."

"You know you can spend the night right? I mean it is Saturday." 

"I don't want to impose." Not once in the span of our friendship had I ever spent the night at Thor's house. Usually, he'd pick me up early morning Sunday and I would go home late the same day.

"You wouldn't be. I like having you around," he mumbled the last part his cheeks going red.

"What was that?" I teased


"Ugh-uh I swear I heard you say you love having me around." I teased even more this time crawling over to him getting in his face "Say it again."

"You already know I like having you around. You're my only friend." He turned away biting into his third sandwich.

"I'm your best friend. You officially have two more friends Sarah and Thomas." I fell back to my seat.

He scrunched up his face, his eyes going to the water "Sarah isn't my friend, she's the woman well I don't know what she is."

"She's your friend and the woman you are dating. You should want the people you date to be people you'd want as friends if you weren't romantically entangled."

He nodded, seeming to like my explanation " Well Thomas isn't my friend he's my best friend's boyfriend who I tolerate."

I threw my hands up with an obnoxious groan "Thor!"

"What he isn't." He had the audacity to just shrug his shoulders looking at me with those wild blue eyes. "If you weren't dating him he wouldn't be someone I'd ever want to be friends with; if I were to be friends with people."

"Touche, can't force you to like him. I'm just glad you guys are cordial."

He stood up holding his hand out for me "Come on let's get back home before you get too tired, to even hold on in the ATV properly."

I pouted "I'm not even that tired yet we can stay a little longer and enjoy nature maybe take another dip."

Nope, your right eye is starting to twitch which and it only happens when you are really tired. So come on." I sighed grabbing his hand as he pulled me up with ease being around him made me feel like I was a size 2 with how he easily pulled up just now and even when he picked me up and threw me in the water like I was a sack of potatoes.

"You don't know me as well as you-" my yawn stopped me from finishing causing Thor to look at me with a smug smirk. "Whatever, and sure I'll spend the night I just have to let Thomas know."

"Make sure you tell him I plan to feed you to my chickens. I'm sure Margo would love that" he laughed as we cleaned up our area. I would never get tired of hearing him laugh, I hoped he'd never hide it from me again.



Is it just me or is there some tension happening between our mains?! <3

The next chapter will either be a time jump (only a month or two OR it will be the second date from Thor's POV)

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