Love is a battlefield Part 2

Start from the beginning


"But I am determined to make my point!"

The riders had all seen Hiccup walking through the village and decided to follow. They were now sitting in the stands above the arena, watching the scene unfold, along with the majority of Berk. News spread fast.


"Arnold STOP!" Astrid shrieked.

"I'm doing this for your sake. For us!" He explained. Hiccup stood up to throw a punch. Arnold blocked it with ease and threw Hiccup across the arena, landing at Astrid's feet. She would have pulled him up if she were able to bend. Heather knew that and decided to do it for her.

"Hiccup..." Astrid fought back her tears at the sight of his black eye and bleeding lip.

"It's okay..." Hiccup slurred. "I got him... right where... I want him." He spun around but Astrid quickly grabbed his hand and refused to let go.

"Alright you entitled son of a..." Heather cleared her throat to prevent him from cursing in front of his father who was watching intently from above. "You think you're the perfect man for Astrid, just because you got a bit of muscle?"

"Yes actually I do." He smirked with a little too much confidence. Hiccup would have lost it at that remark, were it not for the calming touch of his girlfriend grasping his hand.

"You don't know anything about her."

"Actually I believe I know everything there is to know about Astrid Hofferson thank you." He retorted.

Hiccup smirked.

"What's her favorite breakfast?"

No response.

"Bacon and egg on toast. With a glass of milk. What's her favorite flower?"

"Flower?" Arnold chuckled.


"Where is she ticklish?"

Again no response.

"The side of her waist. Just below her neck." Astrid draped her arm across her stomach and looked to the ground. She was rather embarrassed but couldn't help smiling.

"Do you know that every time she goes to a wedding she cries. Every time! Did you know that?!" Hiccup began to raise his voice. "No of course you don't! Because you don't even care! You just want some trophy wife so your brothers will finally show you some respect."

Arnold snarled. Though he couldn't deny the truth. He didn't love Astrid. He just loved the idea of a perfect girlfriend. And he hated being told he couldn't have it.

"I care about Astrid... I love her." Hiccup explained.

"And I love him." Astrid clung to his arm, childishly. Hiccup turned to look at her.

"You can't be serious?!" Arnold chuckled.


"Yeah, we're both serious!" Hiccup explained to his almost unconscious cousin on the floor. Before long the twins had the entire village chanting: Thor's mighty hammer.

"There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always. And nothing. Not even you, can break that apart."

Stoick soon chimed in and grabbed his nephew, throwing him onto a boat and shipping him off.

"Ow!" Hiccup yelped as Astrid's bruised fist collided with his arm.

"That's for telling everyone I'm ticklish!" He didn't even open his mouth to protest as he knew what was coming next. And surely enough, Hiccup was pulled into a kiss. "And that's for remembering." He pulled her in by the waist, gently so as not to hurt her, she was expecting another kiss.

"I'm so gonna get you." Her eyes opened wide as she realized what he was about to do. She ran away but didn't get far before he caught her and soon began tickling her mercilessly to the ground.

"So not fair, Hiccup!"

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