the day of fhe birth

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Stacy woke up to cramps and contract all around her stomach she thought maybe she was just hungry or sum so she lay back down she felt sum wet on the bed so she checked and saw it was soaked she woke up rome and he felt the spot .he jump outta the bed and rang ace to come over along with his sister and mom and the rest chandice rush into the room and grab the baby bags putting them in the car bout a next second ace sprint into the room helping rome carry Stacy to dz car they lock up and speed to the hospital.

Stacy pov

When I woke up I felt odd I mean dr. Choi told me that when having kids amma feel these contract and cramps but damn they like someone push yo tummy in as I brush it off and lay back down in ma bed I feel the spot suddenly gets wet I the scared cat I am woke up rome and it was like father instincts kick in he jump outta the bed and start packing like I could move or nun .

They pull up to the hospital and dr.Choi run out along some other people the put her on the bed and rush inside rome run behind her but he couldn't come in as the other doctor said he ace sat on the bench u til they saw his mom pull up " rome are u ok what happen where is Stacy " he smile at her and told her to sit down " she finally gonna let u see yo grand son's like u wanted a few years back " she hug him and so did the rest bout some min later the doctors came out and ask for rome and ace they went in and saw two cute lil baby boys

Choi run out along some other people the put her on the bed and rush inside rome run behind her but he couldn't come in as the other doctor said he ace sat on the bench u til they saw his mom pull up " rome are u ok what happen where is Stacy " he...

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He went over to then and kiss they head and walk over to Stacy and kiss her she was worked out didn't even have a strong grip on him since she was just tired

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He went over to then and kiss they head and walk over to Stacy and kiss her she was worked out didn't even have a strong grip on him since she was just tired. The others came in nd was so excited by the sight finally they 2 blood line to take over there trap house and also to run their barrier til they grow old. Stacy woke up and look so pill she look around the room and stop at ace holding one of the baby " hey ace uh where is rome and my other baby " ace point to the figure in the couch with a tiny lil baby on his chest Stacy took a pic and post it . She try to get up but ace stop her " nah u sit first amma call the doctor he took up his phone and dial up a number soon doctor choi came in which surprised Stacy " uh Mrs Choi ace why have her number " well she is my mother and she is apparently part of the trap house I run she is our doctor but I let her work here since she loves being in a real office so yeah"

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