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hiiiiiiii play it. i dare u. this music will forever be cursed with uneasy feeling bc of ranboob lore. it will only make things worse here. ummm umm credit- mellohi by C418

tw this story a little manipulation, language

It had been only two hours since Dream came home and he already missed the brunette. His gentle smile and pure reactions at brunch will forever be engraved into his mind. It was unfair. Why did he have to like him so much? George feels the same for him right? He isn't making him uncomfortable. Right? Maybe what Niki said doesn't mean what he thinks.

"Ring! Ring!" an unfamiliar number rang on his phone. No one needed him at the moment but he answered in case.

"Hello?" Dream had no idea who it could be.

"Baby," the voice was familiar. It couldn't be him. Could it? How did he even get his number?

"Ryan, don't call me that. How did you get this number? Why the fuck are you calling me," there was an agitated tone in Clay's voice. Agitated enough that if you lit a candle the whole place would come up in engulfing flames and Dream had the right to be that way.

"Awe, no need to be all riled up. I see you have a new little boyfriend now. Is he just a rebound? The real thing is right here babe." Ryan was defiantly already getting to Dream and he seemed to know that.

"Don't manipulate me again. I'm done with your games," Dream wanted so badly to end the call. To hang up right then and there. To block the number and never talk to that man again. Something in his gut had stopped him from doing so.

"When have I manipulated you? I only told you the truth. The world is filled with them, no? I helped you. I made you better. You were nothing before me baby, you know that," he said in a reassuring tone. Clay didn't fall for this again but he felt himself slipping.

"YOU MANIPULATED ME! YOU CONTROLLED ME ENTIRELY! YOU MADE ME WORSE! YOU KILLED ME MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! DELETE THIS NUMBER AND LEAVE!" the flames were rising rapidly. The candle that prevented it from lighting everything near it was almost completely gone.

"I did nothing wrong honey. I did what was best for you," his words were so aggravating. "You looked sexy that day you know?" a smirk was practically heard through the phone.

Clay remembered how Ryan was holding another girl in his hands. How strong he looked as he could crush her, how... delicious. "Yeah... you- NO YOU FUCKING IDOT LEAVE!" his guard was slipping. He was starved of the affection he needed but he could starve longer. No way he was going back to that jerk.

"Hah. Don't deny it. I know you miss me. You miss all the fun we had don't you?" in truth, Clay did miss it but he didn't miss everything else that came along. Ryan was great at the beginning of the relationship but he changed. Clay knew now that people can change. He had to learn the hard way. "Come over."

"Come over? COME OVER? ARE YOU INSANE? NO, I AM NOT COMING OVER!" Dream hung up. He didn't want to do this anymore. As much as he wanted answers it was better to leave it. The candle could disappear any second. His head gently rested on his window and he spotted something. A bar, the local bar was open. Just a few drinks won't be too bad, it'll help him relax a bit.

Clay was still steaming but he was more shocked. 'Why? This day really had to balance out huh? No day can be perfect, they are always balanced by something just as powerful. If I wanted to have a perfect time with George things had to be balanced in some way,' his thoughts rattled in his head as he walked to the bar. It was early for drinks but he didn't care.

He had only got one beer but that soon turned to many. Clay had forgotten what he had promised himself earlier. All thoughts were being drained out, it was pleasurable. Everything felt immediately better after a few drinks. More, more drinks would make him feel even better. Right? Wrong. Being a bit drunk was fine but the deeper he got his thoughts couldn't be tamed. They were like bears ripping apart the fence they were contained in. No one there was armed or prepared to take them. Bears ripped his want of disappearing and caused chaos. Thoughts flooded his mind again. But they were different. His mind wasn't right. In came Ryan, flooding the gates and the creatures had helped him. Ryan was so sweet, he felt good once upon a time. That part of him is still there right?

Something picked Dream up from his feet out the door of the bar. It wasn't a person it was himself, those creatures were taking over. A few minutes later he found himself knocking on Ryan's door. How did he even get here? He could he have wanted that at all? What part of him told him that here, here was where he has to be? 'Leave. Leave. You can't be here idiot leave," his mind was telling him all these things but his body wasn't complying. The door was opened and regret washed over his whole body. Warm was all he could feel. Something on him was warm. He felt something press against his lips. So, so warm. Something felt good. So... good.


931 words

tips crits?

god I wonder what happened there...

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