Blood must have blood: Pt 1. 24.- Blood must have blood: Pt. 2. 25.

Start from the beginning

"Octavia, Xania, please. Come home with us" Jackson said looking at Octavia.

"I have no home," Octavia said looking at the door. Jackson looked at me.

"I'm with Octavia. If she has no home nor do I" I said letting go of the cloth. Jackson just sighed.

"What am I going to tell your father?" He asked looking at me.

"He will understand... May we meet again" I said turning to face the door.

Blood must have blood: Pt 2. 25.

We were sitting next to the chute waiting for everyone. I looked over at Octavia.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked kicking a rock. She was silent for a moment.

"Why you're still here? You could have gone back to the Ark and seen your father. You could have been done with all this killing but you stayed. Because I stayed. Why?" She asked looking at me. Her voice was raspy. I've only heard her talk like this a couple of times. I thought about it for a moment. Why did I stay with her?

"I don't know. All I know is that I'm not leaving until we get our friends out of this stupid mountain" I said standing up.

"Miller hung you, and the others would throw food at you and call you names because of the color of your blood... You're willing to put your life on the line for people who have done nothing but make your life worse for you?" She asked standing up and walking toward me.

"not all of them have treated me poorly. And maybe I do want to save them. Maybe I just want to use them as bait? " I said smiling and turning to her. A smile slowly formed on her mouth.

"I wouldn't call them friends but I would say that they have been through the same as we have. Not as much as we have but they were sent down to this hell hole to" I said looking around. She nodded. She was about to say something when a buzzer went off.

"About time," I said walking toward the canister. Someone came down. They only had a sports bra and underwear on.

"Fox," I said looking at the girl. She was dead. Octavia backed away from the canister. I stared at the poor girl. I felt something touch my hand. I looked down. Octavia was holding my hand. I looked up at her. Her hand was covering her mouth. I looked at Fox once more then back to Octavia. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"They didn't make it" She said quietly.

"We don't know that. Fox could have just been..." I said holding onto her head. She burrowed her head into my chest. I was about to talk when I heard something. It sounded like footsteps. I pulled out my knife. Octavia looked at me.

"What are you doing?" She asked. I looked forward to the tunnels.

"Someone's coming," I said. She pulled out her sword and backed out of the hug. I walked toward the footsteps. Octavia grabbed my hand stopping me from walking any further. I raised up my knife. Octavia raised up hers.

"Xania" Clarke said. I sighed and dropped my hand. Clarke looked at Octavia then down to our hands. I let go of Octavia's hand.

"You stayed," Clarke said looking at us.

"Screw you," Octavia said to Clarke.

"Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie." Octavia said turning to Clarke. Clarke looked at me.

"I couldn't leave Octavia here alone" I answered truthfully. Octavia looked up at me.

"We have to get in there," Clarke said walking toward the door.

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