My heart started to race at the thought of seeing King Rian behind the door, but instead it was an escort. Violet opened it too slowly. When I saw him our eyes met hooded with lust. I shivered and his lip curved up into a sexy side smile, like he just won something.

"Shall we, Princess?" I took the arm he held out and he handed Violet a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers. "These should go in water. A royal color for a royal." He squinted and he had a power over me that made my stomach do summersaults. He's not the same Rian I met that's for sure.

"Wow. So now that I'm royalty I don't have to live in a cage and be your sex slave?" I kept a straight face for a moment and broke out into laughter. 

"Yeah...not my finest hour. Tease all you want but looking you right now," He put a piece of my hair behind my hair and whispered in my ear, "...Mmm it's not easy to pin you down and show you why my previous sexual partners were more than satisfied. Damn, you look like a little seductress. I volunteer to be your sub." We both laughed at that, but he doesn't let us disconnect. And his playful eyes are also serious. 

"You look good too King Rian. If I find a riding-crop or nine-tails I'll keep that offer in mind." I winked and his whole body responded. 

"Fuck, excuse me," he coughed and turned away, "I need a minute to compose myself." When he looked backed he smirked, hair had been pulled through, and his black suit was straightened up. I smiled knowing I got to see Rian with his mask off. I've seen him lose control but in that moment his shields were down. I surprised him. 

"Ready yet? Or do you need to adjust yourself before we sit out on the patio for dinner?"

He smirked. "I'm not ashamed. It's a compliment to your beauty." Rian winked as he pulled my chair out. 

The clear night sky would make for a great walk. Maybe I'll see some shooting stars. Lord knows how much I need to make a few wishes. A full hot meal was put in front of me while just a goblet was set in front of the vampire king. 

"This is kind of weird."

He took a long sip, closing his eyes, letting his tongue lick his lips. "Only if you make it. You aren't in any danger so why do I smell fear?" He cocked his head, "Or maybe it's something else entirely."

I felt the warmth dip down into my core. Woah, this was close to how Oisin made me feel. The pull isn't as strong and the sparks aren't there but my body is responding to him in ways it shouldn't if he's not my true mate. 

"Let me guess, that scares you, Princess? Craving me is only human. As a vampire my being entices my prey from my stare to the pull you feel to me. It makes humans easy prey. It's a pity, I like to be challenged."

"Why do you try to scare me away? Everyone away. You might be a sick-fuck but I know that you are not using your vampire glamour to bring me in. You felt something like I did during our dance. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to feel it. I'd much rather go back to loathing you..."

"Hate and love are the opposite side of the same coin. You're a smart woman, you know that."

We ate in silence. The moon rising higher into the sky and our date was coming to an end. I was less confused but I needed to make sure. 

"Rian, would you indulge me?"

He sipped an amber colored whiskey, seeming to enjoy the liquid just as much as the blood he drank. "What is your desire Princess?"

"Kiss me."

He stood up and walked over to me leaning his head down. I sat and waited with my eyes closed. He kissed my cheek after running his cold hand against it. Moving down my arm he took my hand and brought me to standing. 

"Not that kind of a kiss." I said and his arm went around my waist, his hand on my low back. The hand that held mine caressed my heated cheek. If he didn't want to kiss me he could have just said so. This tease and waiting game is just embarrassing me.

I start to squirm, trying to wiggle away. "Are you sure you want me to kiss you?"

I threw my head back and tried to hide my blush and eye-roll. "No. I just asked because I enjoy our awkward sexual tension, your Majesty." I huffed.

His hand on my cheek moved into my hair and pulled it. My eyes closed enjoying the sensation. The hand on my low back brought me flush to him. I could feel his desire growing. I gasped and he took my lips roughly at first but softened bringing his tongue to my lips, asking for access, which I gave too quickly for my own liking. Oisin was still on my mind but pushed further back as my kiss with his brother became more passionate.

Someone cleared their throat loudly and Rian stopped kissing me pulling me into his arms. "I believe our date is over." He gives me a light kiss on the top of my head. "Oisin is a lucky son-of-a-bitch."

Rian just said that after that kiss. When he stepped away I saw a very ruggedly handsome Alpha in dark jeans and a plaid collared shirt. He was a sexy lumberjack with a southern accent and dreamy eyes that were currently locked on Rian. He didn't seem to like how he found us and I don't blame him but I had to be sure about King Rian. 

He's now off of my list.

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