"You know I did not mean anything I said what I said to you is something I will regret every single day-"

She is snoring.

I looked at her to see her completely asleep, her legs are dangling off the bed and her hair is covering her face. I made her legs straight then put a blanket over her, I kissed her head making her smile.

I laid down next to her "It's hard to fake sleep when someone is staring at you" I said which made her open one eye "I am sorry." She said.

"For what?" I asked clearly confused, she sat up then opened her other eye she stared at me until she teared up "Angelina?" I asked as I sat up.

She crawled over to me and placed her head on my chest, "I am so sorry I didn't know" She said making me wrap my arms around her, "I don't get what you are sorry for" I said.

"I am very sorry" She said as she wrapped her arms around me, she sat up then kissed me. I placed my hand on her face kissing me back "Forgive me"  She said as I pulled away.

"Tell me you forgive me" She said making me stare at her "I can not forgive you if I do not know whatever it is you are sorry for" I said making her sigh.

"It was a very very bad thing-"

"Refrain from talking to me like I am one of our children" I said cutting her off, she smiled at me then kissed my cheek.

"I did a bad thing. A really bad thing that one might strangle me for" She said as I placed my hand on her face caressing her cheek softly. "Never in my life will I ever lay my hands on you Angelina." I said.

"I can't say the same" She said as she kissed me, I smiled then kissed her back. She pulled away then stared at me "Well you are you. So no surprise there"

She frowned, "It was a joke. I am sorry for putting my hands on you." She said as she began to straddle me then laid on top of me "I want to sleep" She said making me kiss her head. "So sleep mi amor"

She did in fact fall asleep on me I roamed my hands around her body occasionally stopping just to hear her whimper which made me smile.

Her phone dinged has at least ten times and I haven't grabbed it because we aren't official and I am not even sure if she really loves me or just said it because she was on the verge of death.

It dinged one more time, I looked at it then I grabbed it to see it is locked. I put it in front of her face then stopped caressing her which made her whimper and open her eyes for a split second. Her eyes unlocked it and I placed my hands back on her body.

She has three from her groupchat with her brothers talking about how her parents are getting a divorce, then three from her mom which is pictures of Angelina when she was pregnant then a picture of Sophia when she was pregnant, with the text message 'where does the time go'.

Then she has one from Christopher saying fuck you then one from Christian which is him asking what a wet willy is and how much guns does she want from the Iranians then one from Paige.

Which is her sending a wedding board then Grace sending her pictures of Damon her dead uncle or dead father figure holding Angelina as a child.

I turned off her phone and sighed as I placed it on the bed. "Are you done?"

I am fucked.

Always Yours | 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora