chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

Ale lunged out of Sophia's arms then landed on top of her she wrapped one arm around them "Hi my babies" She said as she wrapped one arm around them and kissed their heads.

Paige and Sophia slapped her legs at the same time "Ow!" She said as she looked at them. "You are a sick twisted person." Paige said.

"Literally what the fuck Angelina?" Christopher asked "I am going to beat you." Sophia said as she wiped her eyes.

My dad just smiled as shook his head, "Did you get the recording?" She asked and the doctor nodded. He grabbed his phone which has been recording this whole time.

"So how long has it been?" She asked as she smiled at everyone who is glaring at her, she looked at me "Hi" She said making me blink as she used her hands to wipe my eyes. I took her hand and kissed it repeatedly making her wink at me.

"When they leave I am going to kill you." I whispered as I brought my lips to her head and kissed her temple. "I am invincible, all you guys should know this" She whispered back as Sophia began to hug her.

After a total of five hours everyone left leaving me and the twins alone with the witch. She rubbed her face as she sneezed then sighed, "What was the point of doing what you did?" I asked making her shrug "Why not?" She asked as I flicked her ear.

"I hate you" I said making her shake her head no. "That is a such a big lie Nicolas. Do you know many times you told me you loved me?" She asked.

"You heard all of that?" I asked making her nod, "How long have I been dead?" She asked making me raise my eyebrows."A month and three weeks" I said which made her eyes widen "I usually don't take that long" She said making me rub my face.

"I have been starving can you-"

"Angelina." I said cutting her off making her whine. "I did not lie Nicolas. I am not sorry for that joke. I did it. It was very funny and still is funny to me, I do not planning on dying anytime soon." She said as I grabbed my phone.

I had Christopher grab her mcdonald's which he quickly dropped off then left since she started to bully him about crying into her shoulder.

She ate her food as she told me how she figured out that it was Alfonzo this whole time. "From the start Angelina. From the...." I stopped talking once I looked at her to see her staring at me as she smiled.

She burped as she yawned and sighed, I can tell that she is sleepy but I do not want her to sleep and never wake up again. I want to hear her talk.

I kissed her head repeatedly as I sat down next to her in my chair. "Mhm" She hummed as she closed her eyes, "I took the twins to a gun range yesterday." I said making her eyes snap open.

She turned her head to look at me making me blink,
"Before I say anything Nicolas. Tell me why you did what you did" She said making me smile.

"They were tired of finger painting" I said making her just stare at me, "A GUN RANGE?" She yelled which made Damon and Ale wake up.

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Angelina spent two more weeks in the hospital before she was released then placed on bed rest which she deeply hates. "Sit down Angie" I said as I walked into the bedroom.

A pillow was flung at me directly hitting me in my face. "Do not call me that and I don't like this." She said as she sat down.

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