It's All Fake, It Has To Be..

Start from the beginning

The man could only scoff though, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Valkyrie acts like they rule the world but I don't think they are as great as they claim. Someone needs to dethrone them."

Shadow narrowed his eyes at that, knowing that this was a case of hierarchy. It was obviously this thug could do a better job then that villain, that he wanted to take their place.

How foolish, loyalty was really non-existent for villains, wasn't it?

But that didn't mean that this couldn't be used to his advantage. No matter the reason, any information about his target was better than what he had.

So for that, he played along. "I see. And what if I said I could do just that? What would that entail from you?"

Chucking under his breath, the other man couldn't help but give a twisted grin at his words. "I can draw them out, making them an easy target for you. All you gotta do is pull the trigger.."

The thug then pushed his fingers into the shape of a gun before giving a fake shot towards the commission member, Shadow frowning at the idea.

"How are you going to draw them out? Last I heard Valkyrie was hard to get a hold of. They usually send others to do the dirty work....."

Yet that's when the villain couldn't help before wave a finger in front of his face, his grin growing even more sadistic. Ah ah ah, but I know their weakness. It's the one thing that they will always run matter what..."

Shadow couldn't help but widen his eyes at that, realizing that this was the opening he needed, the one he could use to take down that villain once and for all.

"Tell me."


Reaching her hand up towards the rising sun in the distance, Hikari sat on the ledge of the roof before closing her fingers in order to capture the bright ball of light the best she could, lost in her own wandering thoughts.

The blonde girl then sighed to herself before her arm did so a moment later, catching sight of a flock of birds towards her right as an overwhelming moment of devastation crept into her heart a moment later.

Why do I keep about doing this? It's just depressing Hikari. Just knock it off already. It's not like you'll be able to fly anytime soon.

So instead of thinking about those dark thoughts, Hikari focused on something else, the images replaying in her mind over and over again, the ones that confirmed that her brother was a traitor.

And Dabi was going to kill him for that, she knew that.

That idiot must have known that he'd be dead if he got caught and yet he still dropped headfirst in one of the most dangerous situations in the world. What kind of thought process did he have, trying to screw over the league like that?

Although it wasn't any of her business and she knew that one call to Dabi would destroy everything her brother had worked for, would sign his death sentence without a second thought.

It was that easy, so why hadn't she done it yet?

Maybe somewhere in the back of her mind Hikari was hoping that it wouldn't come down to this, that he wouldn't have to expose her brother to Dabi and then she could just leave without any problem. Wishful thinking, right?

Shaking her head, Hikari then gritted her teeth before fixing her eyes towards the sky.

No, the only reason you haven't said anything is because you're pissed at Dabi. There is nothing else about it. Stop it, he doesn't care about you. Kei said it himself. Let him die, it's what he deserves.

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