Coup de Grace 20.- Rubicon 21.- Resurrection 22.

Start from the beginning

"Ready to go?" I asked him. He turned to me.

"I didn't know you were coming," He said turning back to his bag.

"What did you expect. Clarke always was the sentimental one" I said spreading my arms wide.

"Yeah... She was" He said picking up his bag. He put it on his back. "Now I'm ready," He said nodding and smiling at me.  I nodded back. We made our way out of the Ark. As we were walking people greeted my father and said 'goodbye's and 'Be safe'. They all just acted like I wasn't there. Once we finally got going my father thought that it would be a good idea to strike up a conversation.

"What's the real reason you're here?" He asked turning to me.

"What do you mean?"I asked looking at him. He looked at me.

"Clarke just so happens to ask you to go on a trip with your father to Tondc where all of the grounders see you as loyalty. I don't think she was just being sentimental" He said as we continued walking.

"I don't know what you could possibly mean," I said as I kicked a rock that was on the ground.

"I'm gonna figure out what's going on between you and the 100." He said looking at me once again before walking faster to catch up with the guards. I just looked around. What did he mean 'Me and the 100?' Was there something going on? Whatever. My father was a strange man.

The meeting was cooler than I expected. There were all sorts of stations and things like that. Some blacksmiths were waiting to sharpen or make a custom weapon. I tried to ask for one but my father stopped me. I just think he didn't want me to kill my enemy with precision.

"This is probably the last time we will ever see all twelve clans together like this," My father said as we walked past a booth that seemed to be making... carpets or something with very intricate patterns on it. I watched as they took their time and sewed every pattern into the long fabric. I looked over to my father.

"Why's that?" I asked as I turned and walked further into Tondc.

"That clan over there. The ones with white. They are Azgeda. The snow clan. The last time they stepped foot here they were at war. Because of Lexa-"

"Everyone is back together. Best commander yet" I said interrupting him. He looked at me and nodded. "I know about the rumors of Lexa but tell me how do you?" I asked looking at him. He just turned away from me and kept walking.

"Fine then. Keep your secrets" I said as we continued walking with our chins high.

I was standing next to my father who was next to the commander when Clarke and Octavia walked toward us.

"Clarke of the sky people has graced us with her presence," The commander said.

"I'm sorry I'm late Commander." She said looking at Lexa. I could tell something was wrong.

"Clarke?" I asked looking at her. She turned to me. She had a weird look in her eyes.

"Can I talk to you commander? In private" She said looking at the commander. Lexa looked at me then at Clarke.

"Yes. This way" She said as she walked toward a small hut. I watched as she hurriedly headed toward the hut.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Octavia who was standing next to me.

"I don't know. You've known her forever" She said looking up at me. I nodded.

"I've never seen her with that look in her eyes before," I said watching as Clarke and Lexa entered the hut.

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