Episode 10 - Dirty Alliance

Start from the beginning

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest in exasperation. It was late into the evening now and everyone was gathered in Kai's room in order to determine our little mole. We've been arguing with Shade, Master of Shadow, for ten minutes now and have gotten nowhere. Personally, I don't think its him and don't see why we're wasting time.

"Hey, this isn't about an alliance," Lloyd says angrily. "This is about finding out who is the spy. No on leaves this room until we find out who is passing information to Chen."

"Why are you looking at me, Greenie," Shade says, narrowing his eyes. "I'm not your spy."

"Maybe I can help," Neuro says. He presses his hands to his head and closes his eyes tight. When he opens them again, he frowns. "I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are."

"How do we know we can trust you?" says Skylar aggressively. "Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head."


Neuro glares at her. "I'd like to see you try, power hoarder."

Kai jumps in between them, stopping them from attacking each other. "This is what Chen wants, for us to fight. But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this."

"There is," says Dad. "Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy."

I grin; the bitch is going down. "Anyone object?"

Neuro steps forward and pulls down the right side of his shirt, revealing his shoulder and back. There is no tattoo.

"Can I go now," he asks, annoyed.

"Not until we check everyone," Lloyd argues. "Who's next?"

"Let's get it on!" Griffin says enthusiastically. He pulls down his shirt to show Lloyd his back; he too is clear. A line forms behind him and everyone pulls down their shirts to show Lloyd. As expected, Kai, Jay, and I are clear. Paleman pulls back his shirt, but he's invisible so we cant exactly see whether he has it or not. We clear him anyway. Eventually, only Skylar and Shade are left to be cleared and my heart beats faster with anticipation.

"Well, only two left," says Lloyd, glaring suspiciously at Shade.

"I hate to do this," says Kai as he approaches Skylar, "but it's your turn. Can I see your back please?"

"How could you not trust me? I came to you with the fortune cookie, and we've--"

"I know, I'm sorry, but we have to know," Kai says quickly, cutting her off.

My blood boils with anger. The mother fucking asshole.

"Wait, where'd Shadow go!" Lloyd exclaims.

It's not him, who cares?

"He disappeared through his own shadow," Jay shouts.

"There he is, get him!" Griffin shouts as Shade reappears in a dark corner.

"I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend either," Shade growls. "That staff will be mine!"

Lloyd lets out a yell of anger and throws a ball of energy, but Shade disappears again and the energy hits the wall, knocking off a painting, which lands on Jay.

"My leg!" he cries. "Get Kai off of me!"

Shade reappears infront of Dad and he lunges for him, but Shade disappears again and reappears behind him.

"You cast a long shadow, old man," he says, running through the doors.

"It was Shadow," says Neuro. "He must be the spy!"

Jay whimpers and cries as Lloyd and Griffin pull the painting off him. Everyone starts to leave.

"Skylar, look, I'm sorry," Kai says, grabbing her arm.

"Don't," she growls back. "And if you still think I'm the spy, watch me walk out that door."

She turns on her heel and struts towards the door, pulling down her shirt to reveal a clean back. I narrow my eyes. The little bitch used Chamille's power to hide her tattoo -- I just know it!

"What happened to our alliance?" Jay asks weakly.

Lloyd shakes his head. "What alliance."

"Who gives a shit about the alliance," I say bitterly. "I know who the damn spy is."

Kai turns towards me, eyebrows raised. "Who?"


Kai narrows his eyes at me. "She was cleared."

"Yeah, well she was also refusing to show you her back."

"That's because I already knew--"

"And how would you know that?" I yell venomously.

"Maybe it would be best if we all went to bed," Dad says soothingly, stepping cautiously towards me.

"You know what," I say loudly. "You're right. Everybody, off to bed."

I snap my fingers and suddenly a purple aura floats around Lloyd, Jay, and my father. I flick my fingers towards the door and the three of them march out of the room. As soon as they're gone, I turn back towards Kai, glaring. Kai stares back, confused, scared, and most of all, angry.

Sassy Tasha
Badass Tasha
Salty Tasha
Bitchy Tasha

All around, super fun chapter to write and hopefully to read! But there was also a very big cliff hanger. 😈 Get your tissues ready because this won't end well. Until then, Wacky AWAY!

Word Count: 2007

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