"How do you know what he meant?" She asked stepping closer to me.

"It's sign language. It was used whenever someone was deaf before the bombs went off" I said grabbing an apple from my bag. When I sat up she was really close to me.

"Trikru uses signs but not like that," She said.

"I can smell your breath," I said deadpanning at her. She looked me up and down then backed up.

"I'm guessing you guys use signs as in planning when to attack?" I said sitting down. She nodded and sat down next to me. I watched her carefully as she stared at me waiting for more. I sighed and finished chewing a piece of my apple.

"I'm guessing you don't know what deaf is?" I asked looking at her.

"It's when someone dies." She said staring at me not faltering her facial expression.

"It's when someone is either born without hearing or something damages their eardrums to make them unable to hear," I said annoyed as I took another bite out of my apple.

"Whenever a baby of such or when that happens on the battlefield we kill them," She said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Geez. One way to conserve oxygen I guess" I said chuckling to myself.

"We are surrounded  by oxygen why would you need to conserve it?" She asked. I had about had enough of this. I sighed.

"on the Ark, we had a limited amount of oxygen. That's why we came down. Now if you'll excuse me I hear a warm fire calling my name" I said heading toward the fire.

I noticed as I was sitting by the fire that there were sides. And I was on the grounder side. Bellamy was staring at me. I sighed as I walked over to him.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"It's safer over here. Indra just proved my point" He said looking toward Indra. " She was just curious," I said looking at him. "Curiosity killed the cat," he said glaring at me.

"All the cats are dead, Bellamy. Just go to sleep" I said then walked back to my blanket. As I laid down I felt something under my backpack. I was using it as a pillow. I looked around then lifted up my backpack. Under it was a leaf. It had the words 'If you try to kill me in my sleep you will be the one dead' Written on it with some sort of juice. I looked around. Indra was glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes and laid back down. Grounders are weird.

I was walking next to Indra as we neared Ton DC. "Weapons," A grounder I knew by the name of Gustas said to us.

"We need to disarm before we enter," Lincon said handing the grounder his knife. I took out my knives and handed them to him. The others just looked at me.

"What? Do it" I said then walked forward. I turned around to wait as I watched them. Everyone gave up their weapons. Raven was the only one that didn't do it for herself. The grounder named Gustas patted her down. He said something in that same foreign language then we walked in. Everyone started chanting as we walked. Someone stopped in front of us and talked to The commander. Gustas started beating him. I noticed Clarke walked forward and said something to The commander. She stopped Gustas.

"The sky people march with us now. Anyone who tries to stop that... will pay with their life" She said then resumed walking.

The grounders had already set up a pile of logs. The commander was saying something in a foreign language. Lincoln translated for us.

"People of Tondc, in fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." He said. Everyone looked at him. Gustas handed Commander a torch that was lit. Commander looked at the pile of logs then turned Clarke. She held out the torch for Clarke to take.

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