"WHERE ARE MY- Oh my babies come here." She said as she fell to the floor and the crying twins ran up to her completely sobbing.

"I don't understand what is going on" I said which made my mom push me, "This is your fault!" She said as she shoved me again. "Me?" I asked.

The twins released themselves from Angelina's grasp then ran over to me wanting me to pick them up, I picked both of them up. Angelina walked up to me while I rubbed their back I mouthed what happened while she wiped her eyes.

"Give them to my mom please" She said making me do as told, I talked to them in Italian since they are trying to reach out for me and Angelina.

"Surround then and never leave their side." She said to her warriors and they surrounded Sophia. Angelina talked to a doctor then to Christopher, she grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

"The woman in the picture I showed you,is her name Ayat?" She asked making me stare at her "She's dead but yes I don't see how this is a time to explain what happened with her." I said.

"Ayat is Abbad's wife. She was sent to seduce you which clearly you caught onto and figured out, you killed her. Now he knows you killed her because you left some men behind which was very fucking stupid. They shot at your father he is not dead but he is fine."

"Nicolas bad terms or not we have children now, anything we do can easily affect them. If you need anything mafia related or personal related you come to me."

It took me two to three months to find out everything she just found out in the past five minutes, she walked into a hospital room with me following behind her to see my dad.

I pulled out my phone and hugged him, he hugged me back then hit the back of my head as I dialled Dante's number. "I was already dying but you wanted to speed up the process si?" He asked making me smile at him.

I called Dante while Angelina hugged my dad, "Attack everything and everyone in Morocco. Bring him to me." I said then I hung up.

"You don't understand how grateful I am" Angelina said to my dad, "Remember the last time we talked and you can pay me with that." He said making me stare at him.

"I need you to be there to kill him" I said to Angelina  making her look at me "Why?" My dad asked."She is the king and only the king can take a mafia down for indefinitely." I said to my dad.

"Yes but this has happened because of you and your choices. Instead of killing the girl and the men she came with you dragged it-"

"Hold the fuck up. I wasn't going to kill people for no reason without knowing the full story. I didn't drag shit I made sure I had all the information." I said as I looked over to Angelina who is staring at her feet.

"When did I put on shoes?" She asked clearly confused, "Can we talk?" I asked making her walk outside with me following behind her.

"Angelina you have to believe me I didn't know who she was until later last week" I said and she nodded "I believe you" I said.

"Why are you playing nice?" I asked, "Because something in my gut is telling me something is wrong and then my instincts are telling me that you are not at fault but if you are Nicolas make no mistake my children will grow up fatherless." She said.

One of her men walked up to her and gave her a phone, "You asked for Abbad?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Go talk to your dad" She said as she walked away, I walked inside to see my dad drinking juice. "If you lose Angelina again I will not forgive you." He said.

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