Long into an Abyss 16.

Start from the beginning

Clarke and I were being escorted by some grounders to their tent. A tall man walked up to us. "If you so much as look at her the wrong way, I will slit your throat." He said starting at us. He walked over to the tent and opened the curtain. I walked forward but one of the grounders stopped me. I looked up at him. Clarke looked at him.

"She's with me." She said.

"Only one," The grounder said. I looked at Clarke.

"It's okay," She said looking into my eyes. I sighed and nodded. I backed up. Clarke walked into the tent. I stood my ground. I tried to count how many there were. I'll just say there were a lot. I noticed some of them were armed... others weren't. It took a while but Clarke came out of the tent.

The commander followed. She was tall and skinny. She had a makeshift cape/shoulder pad on her left arm. She had facepaint that looked liked tears/water dripping down her face.

"We're taking them to Lincon," She said looking at me. I nodded.

"As you say princess," I said smiling. The commander didn't seem amused.

"Do you think your mother did it?" I asked Clarke as we walked toward the dropship.

"I can only hope," She said as the dropship came into view. I looked down at the burnt bodies on the ground. Clarke neared the dropship. The commander was looking at the bodies on the ground. "This way," Clarke said as she got near the entrance. I followed. The commander did too.

Clarke opened up the hatch. I followed her up. I could hear Octavia crying. Lincoln was dead. The other grounders followed in. "Kill them all" One of the grounders said. Bellamy grabbed his gun. Abby grabbed the electrical baton. I pulled out my knife. I pointed it at one of the grounders.

"Please you don't have to do this" Clarke said out of breath.

"You lied" The commander responded.

"She didn't know it would be a lie," I said not taking my eyes off of the grounder.

"And you're out of time." The commander said ignoring me. I looked at Abby. She looked at me. She turned and stabbed Lincon with the electrical baton. His chest raised up.

"Hit him again," Clarke said. His chest raised. He gasped for air. I looked at him. Octavia was hovering over him. He seemed to be back. The commander put her sword away. The grounders dropped their weapons.

Clarke was talking to the commander. She told me to go back to camp. Once I got back Raven hugged me. "Whoa," I said as she jumped on me.

"What is it?" I asked hugging her back awkwardly.

"I found your notebook," She said with a sob.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked stepping back from the hug. I realized she was crying.

"Did you really have a crush on me for three years?" She asked with a smile on her face. I just stared at her.

"W-Well yes but why are you crying?" I asked looking at her worriedly.

"Come with me," She said dragging me by my arm. I just followed.

Raven brought me to her room. "So you wanted to show me your room?" I asked looking around. Her tears were dry by now. She turned and just stared at me.

"What is it?" I asked looking at her.

"I've never done it with a girl before," She said looking at me curiously. My eyes went wide.

"W-What?" I said stuttering over my words.

"I've been with two guys. Both are dicks. I don't think you're a dick. And you don't have one" She said looking at me.

"I-I'm sorry but I... I don't know how to respond to that" I said looking at her. She smiled and drank some water from a cup.

"I want to have sex with you, Kane," she said slapping my shoulder. I raised my eyebrows.

"S-sex? With me? You... Raven Reyes. Want to have s-sex with me. Xania Kane?" I asked looking at her. She nodded while smiling. "W-Why?" I asked.

"I like you..." She said looking at me. I swallowed.


"Shut up and kiss me," She said grabbing my face. She pulled my head down to hers. Her lips were soft. So, so soft. I melted into the kiss. "Carry me to the bed," She said through the kiss. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I put her down on the bed and took off my shirt. She took off hers. She grabbed my waist and guided me on top of her...

"I don't think I could handle losing anyone else," Raven said. She was laying on my chest. I looked down at her. She looked up at me.

"I wanted to kill you when you left with Clarke without saying goodbye..." She said looking toward the wall. I looked over. There was a map of mount weather.

"I had to... everything worked out though so it's fine," I said looking back at Raven. She seemed to be deep in thought.

"What are we gonna do about the 48?" She asked not looking away from the map.

"Well... because of your big beautiful brain we have an upper hand. And... They brought 48 criminals into their home. Do you really think some old hags will be able to handle them?" I asked smirking at her. She looked up at me. She smiled and kissed me. She patted my chest.

"Clarke should be getting back soon... I'm sure you want to make sure she's safe" Raven said sitting up and putting on her clothes.

"You know me so well Reyes," I said sitting up myself.


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