• Chapter Thirty-three •

Comenzar desde el principio

I open my eyes slowly as we pull away. And I can see a flushed tone in Jun's cheeks. He  looks adorable.

"Ahem.. that was ahh.." I say as I scratch my neck.

"Really good." Jun says and I'm astonished at his fast reply. And what he said in return.

"Yeah I agree." I say and smile. My cheeks feel hot as well thinking about what just happened.

"The fireworks look stunning." I quickly move to the next conversation before we run out of things to talk about.

"The view is truly amazing, especially with you in it." He says.

"I'd like some fries with that cheesy line." I say to him.

"Ah sorry. I'm new to this." He says shyly.

"Don't worry, so am I."

May I remind you, that was my first kiss, which I also decide to initiate. I'm quite proud and surprised about myself.

"By the way, Asher said something about leaving... Is he going away?" I ask Jun as I'm curious about the convo we had while we danced.

"He didn't tell you? He's going back to his homeland in 2 days. And has decided to complete his studies over there." He explains.

"No way... Seriously?!" I open my eyes wide open as I hear this new information.

We both head back to the auditorium after taking a picture together infront of the fireworks.

I grab Asher's hand as soon as I come near him.

"You're really going away? For real?" I say.

"Well yeah... I mean I thought it wouldn't really matter since-" He stops mid-sentence as he looks at Jun.

"Why did you assume it didn't matter? Do I mean nothing to you? Not even a friend?" I'm angry, and really upset that he thought it wouldn't matter if he went away unannounced.

"So you were willing to go without even saying goodbye? Is that how you want to settle this?"

"Ofcourse I was going to say goodbye!" Asher says. But he looks around without meeting my eye and gives away his lie.

Am I making him uncomfortable?

"Fine. You can leave. But don't bother talking to me.. I am disappointed right now." My voice slowly breaks off. I walk away and go towards my seat next to Skylark.

"Maya. Hey! Listen to me." Asher pops up infront of me just as I'm about to sit. We get away from Jun and Sky and talk.

"So, after I rejected you. You didn't even think that we were friends before all this happened? Are you going to throw all those memories away? With all four of us together in it? I mean... Sure we don't know each other for centuries but I thought our friendship was genuine. Guess not." I hold in my tears from falling out.

"N-no... It's not that.. I just had to go back at some point or another. And it's not like I will never come back. C'mon I'll keep visiting you guys! Jun is staying here so you should be happy. I already know how you two like each other." He pats my shoulder.

I sigh.

"You better not leave without a proper farewell got it? Or else it's your face and my fist." I warn him and he hides his laugh.

I wave my hand closer to Asher's face and whisper into his ear.

"Sky is single you know. And in my humble and honest opinion, you two would look great together and who knows.. she might be willing to give you a chance." I wink at him.

Asher opens his mouth in shock after hearing what I had to say to him.

"I can't believe you miss Maya!"

"Touché." I fold my arms in sass.

I look over at Sky and she looks clueless.

Ashlee. You are going to miss out seeing my beautiful bestfriend if you move away.

"Dude! We haven't eaten anything yet! Let's go and fill our empty stomaches already!" I shout and Asher flinches.

"Tell the gang I'm going inside the buffet."

"Gang??" Asher questions.

I head inside the buffet and find mouth-watering delicacies all lined up.

I add lasanga, salad, and some hot wings in my plate. I grab a chilled lemonade while I'm at it.

"You need more! Here." Jun says as he puts more food into my plate.

"Thank you!" I tell him.

I then, carefully take the food with me towards the seating area.

I stuff my mouth with lasagna which tastes heavenly.

"THIS IS SOO GOOD?!" I say to myself.

"I got us some dessert too!" Sky says.

"So did I!" Jun says.

"Damnit. So I'm not the only one?" Asher joins in.

I hold back my laughter or else whoever sits closest to me would be splashed with my chewed up food.

Wow. I'm already grossed out thinking about that.

"You two!" I point at Sky and Asher.

"Share your dessert while I'll share with Jun. See? Problem solved." I say and I get intimidating looks from both of them.

"Ah stop that!" I move my gaze away from them and look at Jun.

"Can I try some of that?" I ask him as I spot a chocolate covered strawberry on his plate.

"Sure here you go-"

He picks up the strawberry by his fork and I eat it as soon as he holds it up.

"Yum!" I say and look at him.

Jun is still in his position.


"I was about to hand it to you.."

"Oop. Well guess this is our first date haha." I laugh awkwardly and mentally smack myself for not thinking before.

"I guess I was too impatient.." I say.

"No. You're always cute. And yes, I agree that this is our first date." He wipes the sides of my lips with a tissue.

I gulp.

We have a moment of silence but it suddenly fades as soon as Jun bursts out laughing which makes me giggle too.

We both hold hands throughout the musical and somewhat magical night. I didn't want to let it go.

He smiles, I melt.

I guess this is only the start of our journey together. Which I'm very excited about. But I guess I can say one thing for sure.. That I'll be yours, truly.


Yours, truly.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora