Inclement Weather 12.

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"But I could have. I saw him... He suffocated someone and I just stood there and watched." I said starting to get mad at myself.

"You didn't!" She said grabbing my hand. "And I don't blame you!" She said squeezing my hand. "I blame Murphy," She said looking at me. I squeezed her hand back. I put my head down on her side. She let go of my hand and put her hand on my head.

Repercussions 13.

I decided to take my sling off and use my arm some more. Can't baby it forever. I was changing when a knock sounded at my door. "Just a minute!" I shouted. My shirt was stuck over my head. I tried to force it down but it hurt my shoulder. "Oh.. Son of a-" I tried to say but I hit something and fell over. The door swung open.

"Xania?" I heard Abby say. I was groaning because of the fall. It hurt my shoulder. "Jesus," She said as she helped me up. She helped me put the shirt over my head. I looked up at her. She was scratching her head. She did that when she was anxious.

"I can tell you're worried about Clarke. She does that too" I said pointing toward her scratching her forehead. She looked at me then chuckled.

"you really do know her don't you" She said looking at me.

"I know that she cried all night when we thought you died," I said looking at her.

"Right. You must have thought that your father died too. How did you handle that?" She asked looking at me.

"I'm fine Abby. She still thinks you're dead. I don't. If I know Clarke I know that right now. She's probably killing people for the fact that she doesn't know where Finn is" I said as we walked out of the room.

"No long sleeve today?" She asked looking at me.

"It's about time they see what they did," I said walking out of the ark. "Don't you have people to take care of Abby?" I asked looking at her. She sighed and nodded.

I was picking up a piece of shrapnel when I heard some commotion. I looked toward the gate. There was a Grounder. Everyone was gathering around them. Once I realized everyone was attacking them I ran over to help. My father was trying as hard as he could to stop them. I about had enough. I pulled out my knife and held it against someone's throat.

The other guards got the hint and started knocking people down. One guy wouldn't stop shouting and the guard shot him. Everyone started yelling for a medic. I kept my eyes on the grounder. "Do something!" I shouted at my Father. He just sighed as he looked at me. They took the grounder into the Ark.

I was sitting outside when everyone started gathering around. I walked toward them. I looked and saw my father. He was talking to Abby. "Abigail Griffin has confessed to aiding and abetting know criminals.... and trafficking in firearms." The Major yelled. "Under the laws set forth in the Exodus Charter of The Ark...she's been sentenced to 10 lashes." The Major finished.

"What!" I yelled walking forward.

"Xania stay out of this," My father said looking at me.

"It was me!" I yelled staring my father straight in the eyes. "I the chancellor's Daughter released the prisoners. I gave them the firearm that Dr. Abby gave me! She gave me the gun because I only had one arm. And the grounders want me!" I yelled looking around.

"Abby confessed Xania you're not doing this," My father said.

"I consider Dr. Abby the only motherly figure I have. I can only hope she considers me like a second daughter. But I guess that makes me illegal like Octavia Blake" I said looking around.

"Xania stop," Abby said. "Xania has a problem with taking the fall for others!" Abby shouted. "Let them do this" Abby said looking at me.

"No," I said.

Clarke Griffin x fem!ocOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant