"Please stop, it's ok. Just please stop" you hadn't even realized that she had wrapped her arms around you in hopes of taming your near uncontrollable wrath. Even Xenovia herself took a breath of relief. That aura alone had scared her a bit, as she watched the metal leave you she noticed the ring on your finger and Asia's as well. Now realizing why you had nearly lost control, she'd make note of this.

"I think...it'd be best if you left...right now" came The voice of Rias, her tone held a strong venom that matched your restrained anger. As the two prepared to leave as requested Kiba had finally arrived having been late to the whole ordeal he felt the tension that was built the moment he opened the door.

"Welcome to the party Kiba." Came a frightened Issei.

Having noticed the blades the pair held he recognized them immediately, a sour look plastered across his face.

"Would you by chance be holding fragments of excalibur, if so I'd like to challenge you" he said, catching all off guard, Xenovia indulged him in this request, and just so he wouldn't be alone Issei opted to join him to make an even 2v2 fight.

Today was going to be a horribly long day...

As everyone made it outside to watch the battle take place, it was to be a friendly spar nothing more and nothing less.

On Akeno's mark the battle began, Issei clashed with Irina, and Kiba with Xenovia.

Everyone tense for the outcome. You came to learn that Irina held excalibur mimic a blade that held the ability to change form, while Xenovia held excalibur destruction, kinda straight forward there. Watching the battle unfold, Issei was holding his own but it was difficult for him. His old friend was quick, and knew how and when to strike when most opportune. Even with her holding back since she wasn't going for the kill, the same with Quarta up against Kiba, she was slower than her teammate but her strength was undeniable. Her swings shook the trees around with a violent whirlwind.

As much as you disliked her, that strength was impressive none the less.

Kiba was not doing well against her, for some reason he opted to use a buster blade, even though he shows much more promise with short swords. Something in his eyes looked familiar to you.

Was it a longing for Vengeance or wrath? One or the other you knew that look all too well. You yourself had followed that path sometime ago. The memory of it left a deep impression upon you, and seeing the gentleman knight suddenly turn into a vengeful rouge was something unexpected.

"This battle is over..." Came your voice, cold and a bit harsh, yet it held an odd wisdom to it. Everyone looked to you confused.

"What do you mean it's over?" Rias questioned, causing you to point to kiba.

"He is lost in anger and has given up his one main advantage he had on her..Speed. if he was using his normal tactics, she wouldn't be able to swing the blade around long trust me, she may have the strength to lift it and swing it but everyone has stamina that runs dry. Kiba normally would wait it out keep his opponent tired and the swoop in to strike quickly." You said, it was a hard pill to swallow but the rest knew you spoke the truth.

He was downed with a hard strike, Xenovia had planned for a follow up attack. Lifting her blade above her head, Kiba couldn't defend. Did she plan to cripple him? Or maybe shatter his blade in order to wound his pride, either way this didn't look good.

As her blade came down a loud metal clang had followed. Everyone wide eyed, kiba more or less showing a bit of scorn for his savior. You were there holding back Xenovia's blade. A look of both reminiscence and wrath, your sacred gear brandished fully. The vambraces, and greaves shining brightly. Her excalibur held a grand force behind it but it wouldn't make you back down.

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