14. Kendall: Secrets and Rumors

Start from the beginning

She moved quickly, keeping an eye on Logan's father the entire time. She did not want him wandering off again, especially since it would be dark soon. A minute later, she was at his side once more, ushering him onto the street. "There's your house." She pointed it out to him.

"I have a feeling they're going to be angry at me."

"Well, just apologize and have it over and done with. And no going off on walks without telling anyone again, alright?"

"You sound like my wife."

"It's only for your own good, Mr. Shaw. You have a family who cares a great deal about you, you know."

"I know," he sighed.

She led him to the door, rapping firmly. She hoped Logan was home instead of his mother. She waited a long time but no one answered. She continued knocking, and Mr. Shaw, seeming to think that they were playing a game, joined in as well. "The windows are dark," he observed.

"You're right."

"No one's home. We'd better come back another time."

He started to leave, but she held fast. "Mr. Shaw, where on earth would we go? This is your home."

He blinked at her in confusion, looking childlike.

"Let's try the door, shall we?"

"We already tried that."

"No, I mean - " She reached over, turning the knob, and sure enough, it was unlocked. No one locked their doors in Coser, which was something she was extra-glad for now. She stepped inside, finding herself at the head of a dark hallway. Mr. Shaw followed, then moved past her. Now that he was in a familiar place, he seemed more sure of himself. He lit a few lamps, looking pleased with himself.

"My wife isn't here," he realized.

"No, and neither is Logan. I'll wait with you until they get home."

"That's really not necessary."

"I insist." She paused, wondering how she could keep him occupied so he wouldn't try to leave again. "Your wife should have tea in the kitchen? And snacks?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Will you show me?"

"I'd be glad to."

He led her past a swinging door, and they spent a good amount of time pottering about in the kitchen. Afterwards, they sat together at the kitchen table, nibbling crackers and sharing flower-and-herb tea. Kendall was surprised at how ease she felt with Logan's father. She found herself quite enjoying his company, and she liked to think that he felt the same way. "You must be happy to have Logan back in Coser," she remarked.


"He'd been away for some time?"


"He seemed to experience a lot on his travels."

"I'm sure he did."

"Do you know if he ... met anyone during that time?"

"I'm sure he met plenty of people."

"No, I mean a woman. A lady."

"Ladies too, no doubt."

Kendall smiled gently. "I wonder if he's fallen in love."

Mr. Shaw looked up at that. "Love? My son loves that red-headed heiress - what's her name?"

"Lilith Harper," her voice seeped through her teeth.

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