Chapter One

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The screech of metal against metal awoke me.

My lungs burned and I instantly sat up, coughing and spitting.

It took my eyes a moment to adjust before I could take in my surroundings. I was in a metal room. No, it looked like a cage.

My gaze landed on another girl laying on the floor beside me.

She wasn't moving and death came to mind.

I scooted away from her and began to lift myself.

The cage suddenly jerked upward and I fell back on my elbows. Pain jolted through my arms.

So it wasn't a cage. The thought of a mineshaft appeared into my head.

A mineshaft. Why the hell am I in a mineshaft?

This thought led to other questions, like where was I? Or better yet, who was I?

I could remember rain on trees, the bustling streets of a city, and even the sting of my fist against a punching bag, but I couldn't remember anything about myself.

"Hello?" I yelled out and surprised myself with my voice.

It was like I had never heard it before.

Who was I?


The name came to me, but it wasn't my own.

Thomas. I mauled the name over in my mind. It was so familiar, but not because I remember who it belongs to. Instead the feeling of warmth and safety overwhelmed my senses when I thought of it.

The shaft continued to pull upward and once I was sure it was steady, I stood and stepped around the girl, checking the metal walls for any openings.

Every feeling I knew was overwhelming. Fear, panic, but mostly curiosity.

Where was I? Who was I? What was the purpose?

"Hello!" I screamed out again, but I knew that I wasn't going to get an answer.

It was just me and the girl.

I leaned over and picked up her wrist, feeling for a pulse.

She had one, but she still wasn't responding. 

"Thomas!" The girl sat up and gasped.

I jumped backwards and hit the wall.

Her eyes roled back in her head and she went limp again.

"Hey!" I yelled at her and grabbed her face in my hands.

I shook her and slapped her cheek but she didn't come to.


Well she obviously remembers Thomas as well.

Running my hands along the edges, I came to the conclusion that I had no way out. And even if I did, where would I go. Down?

I'm already going up so I might as well wait.

I plopped back down in the corner as a headache from thinking began to set in the back of my mind.

My brain seemed to function flawlessly, so why can I not remember myself. Was I in an accident? Did whatever happen to the girl happen to me too?

I stuck my hands in my pockets then froze. There was something in my pocket.

I pulled out a piece of paper.

"They are the last ones EVER"

We are the last ones? So we are being sent to someone.


The trip upward seemed to be taking forever, but the shaft came to a abrupt stop.

A loud horn chimed and a green bulb shown above our heads.

I glanced back down to the girl. She lay still and I wished that she would just set up. Maybe she knew what was going on.

Just then, a blinding light opened at the top and I heard people moving.

I shoved my hand above my eyes and frantically tried to get them to focus. I wanted to see now more than ever.

I heard whispers and if a switch had been flipped, I could see them.

Boys, all teens, lined the edge of the box.

"It's girls," one of them said.

Where in the hell was I?


And first chapter done!!!

The next one gets real interesting;)

Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know what you all think and show it some love!!

Happy Reading!

The Maze Runner: A Gally Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora