Chapter Nineteen

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I sat up with a scream.

It was another damn dream.

So I am still alive at least.

My eyes took a moment to adjust, but when they finally did, I was shocked at what I saw.

I was sitting on a concrete slab that had an endless drop off on either side.

I peaked over the edge and instantly got vertigo, so I crawled back to the center and stood up.

On one end of the concrete block was a circular door than looked to be shut and on the other side was an opening.

Stretching, my body seemed stiff and sore. But at least I got some sleep.

I laughed. Taken by grievers and I took a nap.

Only if I stayed awake and watched where they were taking me.

I walked towards the opening and looked around. There was large vertical metal flaps that all were turned. They were extremely tall and a rusty brown color. Then there were walls surrounded them.

I remembered something about this part. It was called the blades.

Well I was definitely in the maze.

A large red seven was painted on one of the walls.

I continued to walk around, mentally asking myself questions.

Where were the grievers?

How can I get out?

Now what?

Curiosity began to take me over and I walked around, gawking at the tall walls.

I heard movement coming around the corner and I jumped behind one of the metal blades, holding my breath.

If it was a griver, I was not ready to fight one.

Then I heard voices.

I peaked around the corner to see Thomas and a group of gladers in tow.

I stepped out from behind the blade and smiled. Thomas looked good. Not like he had just spent three days in the changing.

He looked up and froze, his spear dropping to the ground.

"Joan," he gasped.

"You were taken by the shucking grievers. You are supposed to be dead," Newt said in utter confusion.

"Well Newt," I clapped my hands together and laughed. "You were always good at stating the obvious. So what are you guys doing here?"

They looked between one another as if they didn't know what to say.

Thomas rushed forward and wrapped me into a tight hug. "Dont ever scare me like that again Bugs."

"No promises Tom Tom," I hugged him back. "And you don't do anything stupid again, like stabbing yourself with the griever stuff."

"No promises."

He pulled back and explained that Gally had turned against them, saying that it was Thomas's fault I left. Gally proceeded to banish them and now they were trying to find a way out before it got dark and the grievers came.

Stupid Gally didn't understand that I did it to save them a night.

I rubbed my temple and thought.

"What do we do?" I asked

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us. Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together... we get through this," Thomas said and patted my shoulder.

"Or we die trying," I huffed.

"You sound like Gally," Newt grumbled.

A griver came running out of now where and made us all jump.

"Lets go," Thomas yelled and took of towards the door.

I grabbed a spear from one of the boys hand and got ready to fight. He looked to scares to use it anyway. I wasn't really in the mood to fight, but at least I wasn't tired anymore.

I let out my battle cry and ran towards the griever.

We clashed in the middle. Its long legs and tail swing at me, but I managed to miss every attack.

I backed up and let the monster chase me until we were by the edge of the cliff. In a quick motion, I shoved my spear into its side and it tumbled off the edge.

Turning, I helped the others fight off the grievers as Teresa entered the code that Minho was yelling.

One of the grievers reached out and swipped my legs. It pounced on me and one of its sharp legs jabbed into my stomach.

Pain shot through my body as it put its weight on me.

I screamed out.

Teresa rushed forward and stabbed its leg, making it move just long enough for me to roll out of its way.

Newt pulled me to my feet and to the door.

The door opened just in time and we rushed inside as the door closed and smashed a griver.

It was pitch black until there was a creak of a door and Teresa pushed open the back part of the room we were in.

The boys stepped out and I hesitantly followed. We were in a dark hall with metal pipes running down the wall.

I held my hand over my stomach and felt a sticky warmth seeping through.

Florescent lights lit up the hall and I looked down. My hand was covering a hole in my stomach that the griever created with its metal leg.

"Joan?" Newt asked. Worry laced his voice.

"I'm fine," I lied. "Lets just get out of this shit hole."

He nodded and we began walking down the ominous hall. Soon, a green exit sign over a door came into view.

"Seriously?" Fry asked.

I chuckled, but quickly stopped from the sharp pain it created.

I hated myself right now. I had fought grievers for three nights and just as we were about to get out, one got me.

How ironic.

Thomas opened the door. Red flashing lights lay behind it and bodies scattered the ground.

"Well isn't that just hopeful," I joked.

Thomas shot me a look and lead us into the room. It was a lab room with computers set up everywhere.

"They were watching us."

"No shit," I mummbeled.

We walked around until a video began.

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