Chapter Three

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"Wait, have you guys tried climbing to the top?" I asked.

After what seemed like hours of explanation and questions, I finally knew everything that the other gladers knew.

"We have tried everything you could think of," Gally snapped, already annoyed with my questions.

"You are just like Thomas. Both so full of questions," Newt chuckled as he stood up and brushed off his back. "And Gally is right. The only way out is through that maze." 

I brushed off his comment about me being like Thomas and kept thinking.

"And no one has survived in the night, until Thomas?" I became suddenly worried for Thomas at the thought of him in danger.

They nodded their heads and Gally added a scoff.

"And you killed a griever?"

"Yeah," Thomas fiddled with a piece of grass. "It got smashed between two walls."

"Because the walls move," I added and chewed on my bottom lip as I thought.

"Well," Gally glanced at me before he stood as well. "You took it better than most, but I still don't trust you. You are hiding something, I know it."

The note in my pocket became heavy.

He narrowed his eyes, then turned and walked away, glancing over his shoulder and locking eyes with me once.

"Come on," Newt gestured to one of the buildings. "If you don't know nothing, maybe that other girl does."

As we walked into the med jacks hut, I think that's what they called it, I saw who I assumed to be Alby.

He was withering against restraints around his wrists and his body was covered with sweat.

I became hyper aware of the situation. This was really all happening. There are monsters outside these walls.

It isn't the monster I am worried about though, its the maze that scares me.

"Hey Jeff," Newt said as we walked in. "Whats going on? Whats the matter with her?"

"Hey man, I got my job the same way you did," Jeff shrugged.

They needed to know about the note. I couldn't keep something like this from them, especially since it seemed important.

"Guys, I need to tell you something," I fumbled in my pocket and pulled out the paper. "This was in my pocket when we came up."

I handed the paper to Newt.

Thomas read over his shoulder and I saw their faces switch emotions and settle with panic.

"The box isn't going to go back down," Thomas said.

"Was there anything else with you when you came up?" Newt asked as he rubbed his temples.

I shook my head.

A boy came running in. His black hair seemed to be perfectly styled, which was strange in a situation like this.

"So its true," he said. "Girls came up."

"Well aren't you observant," I scoffed.

"Minho," Newt handed him the paper. "This came up with them."

He read it over and then looked back up at me. Well this isn't good.

"If the box isn't coming back, how long can we last?" Jeff crossed his arms and questioned.

"Lets not think about that," Newt sighed. "If you don't know, then maybe she does." He gestured to the unconscious girl.

"Okay," Thomas said and turned around.

"Where are you going?"

"Back into the maze," Thomas said as he walked out the door.

Newt and Minho gave each other a look before Minho ran after him.

"Why would he go back?" I asked.

"The griever I assume," Newt said.

"Wait I want to go with them," I turned to go out the door.

"Oh no you don't. It is your first day and you are already jumping to go out into the maze. You are the female version of Thomas," Newt threw his hands up in the air.

"Newt, they killed a griever the night before I came up. Do you really think that is a coincidence? I might be able to help them out there!"

"Yes, it is strange. But for now, you stay here. Follow me," Newt walked out and I grumbled as I followed.

This was all so strange. It felt like I was in a weird dream, but it was more of a nightmare. I was scared, but the curiosity was more powerful.

I just wanted to get as many answers as possible. This was all like a puzzle rather than a maze. All we needed was the right pieces and we could get out.

I hadn't even been here a whole day and I already wanted out.

"Gally," Newt yelled.

Gally was talking with a group of boys a ways away. Once he saw us he walked over.

"You are against going into the maze, so you are going to watch her and make sure she doesn't go out there," Newt pointed to the maze doors.

"Why does she want to go out," Gally looked at me questioning.

"I want to help," I defend myself.

"Sure," Gally nodded. "I'll keep an eye on her. She won't go no where."

"Thank you. I'm going to keep an eye on the girl, well the other one," Newt turned and walked back to the med shack.

"Well, it looks like your stuck with me now," I said and rocked on my feet.

Gally rolled his eyes, "Looks that way."


And now they are stuck together... yayyyy.

So I know Gally in the first one isn't the best, but I think he is just misunderstood.

What do you think?

Happy reading:)

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