Chapter Eight

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Report #247

Topic: Test #Z1

Subjects acts as to be expected towards test #Z1: Joan. They fought back and none were injured.

Just as we hoped, as soon as Z1 fell asleep, mechanics turned on and controlled the body. Z1 acted like grievers and attacted other subjects.
Brain functioning stayed dormant during this time. This continued until awoken.

Other subjects no longer trust Z1, except A9.

This was unpredicted considering that A9 has no trust for other subjects.

Possible that A9 still has feelings for Z1 from before maze. Our expectation was that A9 would lose childhood feelings for Z1 after memory swipe.

Z1 remembers that A2 is brother.

We are closer to a cure than ever.

End of Report

Chancellor Ava Paige


So this was a report from Ava Paige about Joan and Gally. It gives them a little bit of back story I think, don't you guys?

Thank you for reading!

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