Chapter Fifteen

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They could be heard before we saw them.

Their metal legs clanking on the concrete echoed down the maze walls. Mocking us as they ran to take one more unlucky person tonight.

"Here they come!" Gally got up and yelled to the boys. His voice made the glade freeze in fear.

I quickly climbed down the ladder and ran to the box, throwing the doors open for boys to jump in.

"Hey Joan," Minho ran up to me and handed me a spear. "We will stick with you tonight."

He had a small group of boys who were armed and ready to fight. I recognized Winston, Jeff, and Clint. The rest were just faces.

I nodded my head and turned to the door just in time to see three come charging through.

The wires under my skin seemed to connect and the adrenaline running through me got rid of any hint of exhaustion.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself and got in a fighting stance.

With a battle cry, the boys and I ran forward ready to fight.

The boys threw their spears before we got close to the grievers, and some stuck into the beasts. But I kept running with mine in hand.

I jumped into the air just in time for one of them to swing at my legs.

I stabbed my spear into its soft head. It sputtered before falling to the ground.

I quickly pulled my spear out and turned to the other two who seemed mad about their friend.

One let out a unhuman scream and lunged towards me.

I shoved my spear forward, but its metal leg reached out and snapped it in half.

I grabbed my knife from my belt and ducked below its legs and under its belly, slicing into it the same way I did to the other one the other night.

The griever turned and ran towards the doors just in time for the other boys to throw their spears into the last one.

It screeched and ran back to the doors as well.

Had we just beat the grievers? It seemed to good to be true.

A wave of happiness washed over me and I threw my hands up in the air. We had done it. We had beat them.

I turned to looked at the boys who all had relieved looks on their faces.

My hope dropped as I saw one of the monsters sneaking behind the boys.

"Look out!" I yelled just in time for the griever to grab Clint.

Clint's screams ripped through the air as the griever crawled away towards the door.

"No," I cried.

Gally came running up to us then.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"They took Clint," Jeff said sadly.

Jeff and Clint were inseparable. Loosing Clint was probably like loosing a brother.

These boys didn't deserve to loose anyone else.

That's when the idea came to me.

I would be next to go.

When the grievers come in tomorrow night, I would be waiting to go.

I obviously can't do anything here inside the glade, so maybe if I let them take me into the maze I can figure something out.

And if not, at least I saved one of the boys.

Tears trailed down my cheeks and I pulled Gally into a hug. He seemed hesitant at first but he wrapped his arms around me eventually and held me back.

The other boys were probably so confused by the sudden gesture, but I didn't care.

I was leaving. Leaving the glade. Leaving the boys. And leaving Gally.

Just the rest of tonight and tomorrow then I would be gone. But it was for the best anyway.

I don't know how much longer I could last without sleep and I wasn't really any help here. I was a pointless part of the creators tests. I wasn't even doing anything.

Letting go of Gally, I walked over to Jeff and pulled him into a hug.

He shook as he sobbed and gladly accepted the hug.

"I'm so sorry Jeff," I said into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gally set his jaw and clinch his fists. Why he was being like this was beyond me.


Hi lovelies!

I wonder why Gally was acting strange in the last paragraph;)

Anyway, my phone took a dump and stopped working today so yayyy:/

I will keep updating as much as possible.

Thank you for still reading!!

The Maze Runner: A Gally Fanfiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang