Chapter Fourteen

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"When do you think he will wake up?"

Chuck and I sat by an unconscious Thomas as we both ate bread we snuck from Frypans kitchen.

I rolled the bread between my fingers and made it into little balls.

"Well from what I have heard, probably a couple more days. I think that is how long the changing happens," I thoughtfully replied.

My head felt like it was under water.

Not sleeping for two nights in a row was catching up to me. My body and mind was slowly shutting down.

"He will be fine Chuck," I said and wrapped my arm around him.

"Hey you two," Newt said as he walked in.

"Hey Newt," I smiled.

Newt radiated parental love.

"How are you Joan?" He asked.

Everyone seemed to be asking that recently. I probably looked awful and that is why.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"Good that. Hey, is there in chance you would talk to Gally and try to straighten his head? He seems to listen to you," Newt asked and leaned against the door frame.

Trying to straighten Gally's head would be harder than trying to tame a griever.

He was the most stubborn and infuriating person I think I have ever met, and I only remember three days of my life.

"Yeah," I sighed.

Why did I just agree?

Maybe because while he is infuriating, I still find myself drawn to him.

"He likes you," Chuck teased.

I shoved him playfully. "There is no time for liking in a place like this," I chuckled.

"Well I don't know. I think you have time. Maybe you can make Gally nicer or something," Chuck suggested.

"I have known Gally for a long time. He isn't mean, he just says what people don't want to hear. And most the time, it is the truth," Newt said as he walked to the edge of Thomas's bed.

I looked to Newt.

He was right. I never saw Gally as mean. I see a scared boy.

As if on queue, Gally walked in.

He looked at me and his eyes softened for a moment before he spoke.

"Hey Newt, can we talk?"

Newt nodded and they walked out the door.

I looked to Chuck and with a silent agreement, we both rushed to the door to spy on what the boys where saying.

"What do you hear?" I whispered.

"Gally said that one boy is being taken a night a-and," Chuck shuttered and looked at me. "He wants to sacrifice Thomas to the grievers."

"Oh no," I mummbeled.

Gally told me he wanted to banish us all, but a sacrifice was a totally different story.

In a quick motion, I barged through the door, causing Chuck to fall face first in the dirt.

"You are sacrificing us?" I yelled to Gally.

He looked between Newt and I.

Newt threw his hands up in the air, "Maybe you can talk some sense into him."

"You are such a coward Gally! One minute you are all heroic then the next you are killing others to save yourself," I said and shoved him.

"Look," Gally said with a set jaw. "Thomas did all this and he is so set on figuring out how to get out, maybe I am just pushing him to find a way. I am trying to save us!"

"No Gally," I said under my breath. "You are murdering innocent people."

I looked up at him and saw his shoulders slack and his face drop with sadness. He seemed to loose his will to argue with me because he turned and walked away.

Maybe what I said was to harsh, but it was what he needed to hear.

I sighed and rubbed my brow.

"You are like Gally," Newt said as he came up behind me.

"How so?"

"You say the truth even when people don't want to hear it," Newt gently put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed before walking away.

That night I sat on the tower look out, waiting for the first sign of the grievers.

A tear trailed down my cheek as I thought.

Looking down on the glade, I almost couldn't tell that it was in despair.

Boys weren't laughing and joking like they first did, but they were working like it was a normal day. Like they were ignoring what was going on too.

I was so tired.

Another tear fell down my cheek as I heard the ladder creak.

Gally's head came popping through the hole as he crawled up.

Without saying anything, he sat down beside me, wiped away my tear, and wrapped his arm around me.

I leaned into his side and took a shaky breath.

"I wish I saw it before everything happened," I said looking over the glade.

"You still would be trying to get out," he said with a laugh.

I laughed too.

He was right. I would still try to get out even if everything was peaceful. I felt almost claustrophobic being stuck. I wanted out and I wanted free.

"Gally I'm sorry," I looked up to him.

He sighed, "I am too Joan."

I didn't want to say anything else and ruin the moment, so I kept quiet.

Under us, the bustling life of the glade almost seemed normal as the sky began to turn a dark shade of purple and blue.

Only if it was like that for a while longer.


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