Chapter Two

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The boy who smartly noted that we were in fact both girls, jumped down into the box.

I quickly went to the opposite corner that he was in and tried to be as far away from him as possible.

He reached his hands out and gently said, "It's alright. We won't hurt you."

I trusted him, but the boys above who were looking at me like fresh meat were not giving off the same message.

I one quick motion, I lungned forward and grabbed a knife from the boys sheath.

I kicked his leg and it buckled. Once he dropped to both knees, I rushed behind him and pressed the blade to his throat.

"Bloody hell," he murmured.

I heard boys gasp and some of them told me to get off him.

"Now this is how it's going to go," I stated looking up at the boys.

My eyes landed on one with a dirty blue shirt and I froze.

It was Thomas.

I was about to call out to him, but then again, what if I remembered his name because he was bad. What if he sent me down here? What if I couldn't trust him?

But then the feeling of security came back. He was good. There was no way those feelings would come up if he was bad.

Yet, now was not the time to say anything.

"You are going to tell me where I am, who you all are, and better yet, who I am," I ordered.

"If you let me go, I will explain the best I can," the boy I held against his will gulped. Making the blade move against his throat.

I took notice of his accent.

"Okay, but only you," I paused. "And him," I gestured to Thomas. I gently lifted the knife. "And I'm keeping this."

He nodded his head.

I crawled out of the box, denying the help of the teens and stepped away from it.

It was then I froze. Four large concrete walls surrounded us. They rose to the skyline and had vines growing from the tops.


We were trapped. The curiosity came back.

"Thomas," the boy with and accent said.

I turned to see him walking towards me with a limp that I most likely cause. Thomas was trailing behind him like a lost dog, not knowing what to do.

I walked a ways, not knowing where I was going, until I got to a tree. It took all of my focus to not stare at the large walls, but I knew if I did look at them I would start to panic.

I turned on my heels and faced the two boys.

"Now tell me," I crossed my arms. "What is this place?"

"This is the glade," the blonde boy said. "We live here."

"Against your will," I whispered under my breath.

"We are finding a way out," Thomas's stated.

I gulped and took a step back.

His voice. His voice was more familiar than my own.

It was like I had heard it thousands of times and it caused a feeling deep down to come back to the surface.

I would save and protect Thomas no matter what but I would also kill him the second he made me mad.

I furrowed my brow in thought as another boy joined us.

I glanced at him and a strange feeling rushed over me. It wasn't the same feeling I had with Thomas. It was more soft, but confusing. Like the sweetness of rain but the brutality of thunder.

I shook my head. Now was not the time to be thinking like this. There were more pressing matters.

The boys face was pinched with what I guessed was annoyance and fear.

Part of me wanted to reach out and smooth the crease between his eyes.

Stop it, I told myself.

"So you guys still think I'm overreacting?"

"Look Gally," the blonde boy said.

"No you look Newt," the boy yelled. "First this shuck face survives a night in the maze and manages to kill a griever, and now a couple of girls come up in the box. And on top of that, the box isn't going back down."

I thought about the note in my pocket.  We were the last ones.

If that box sent them all up, it probably sent their supplies too. Us being the last might not be a good thing.

"I don't trust her," the boy, Gally was it, pointed at me and stepped closer. "I think we should throw her in the pit."

"What's the pit," I asked. It didn't sound good. "And what have I done to you?" I yelled at Gally.

"Gally was it? Well look here Gally," I stepped up so we were only inches apart. "I am confused, curious, and quite frankly I'm scared. I just woke up in a box with an unconscious girl and now I'm surrounded by a bunch of boys. So I don't care what you say, I am not going in this pit until I get some answers. Now either leave or help them explain."

"Feisty one we got here," Newt chuckled.

Gally furrowed his brow and the corner of his lip twitched before it settled back into a frown.

"I'll help," he crossed his arms and stepped back. "I can explain better than these shanks anyway."


And she is in the glade!!

Let me know what you all think;)

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