Chapter Twelve

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"I'm going to take control and try to put us back into order until Thomas wakes back up," Gally said as he pulled away from the hug.

"Well that is going to be scary. Isn't Newt supposed to be in command now?"

He shot me a look, "Newt is blinded by Thomas. He doesn't even realize that this is bad."

"Maybe it will end good," I shrugged.

"Or we might all die," Gally snapped. "I'm going to call a meeting."

"You are such a ball of sunshine."

I was too tired to argue with Gally, so I walked away to find Chuck. He probably needed checked on after everything that happened tonight. And I mostly just wanted to make sure he was alright.

I had noticed how close him and Thomas were the past couple of days, and with Thomas in the changing, Chuck probably feels alone.

I walked to the kitchen.

Frypans could be heard clanking around in the back as Fry worked on lunch.

Chuck sat at one of the tables, hunched over a piece of toast.

"Stress eating?" I asked as I took the seat next to him.

He nodded with a mouth full.

"Hey Joan and Chuck," Fry yelled from behind a pot of spaghetti noodles. "Can you finish up lunch? Gally called a meeting."

I looked to Chuck then back to Gally. "Of course we can!"

I grabbed Chuck's hand and pulled him into the kitchen. We needed something to get our minds off of everything.

After hours of slaving over food, boys started to wander into the kitchen

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. How Fry did this three times a day was beyond me.

Gally came walking around the table and stood by me.

"How was taking over?" I asked as I plopped spaghetti onto a boys plate.

"Dandy. Can we talk... away from others?" He said and tilted his head away, gesturing to the Council Hall.

"But the food," I complained.

"It'll be here when you get back," he grabbed my hand and pulled my from the kitchen.

"Knowing you boys, no it won't."

With my hand still in his, he led me to the hall.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart raced. Gally was holding my hand. Like actually holding it.

I shouldn't let it get to me, but here I was.

Once inside, I grimaced.

It was a reminder of what happened only a few hours ago.

"How are you doing?" Gally asked and faced me.

My brow furrowed. He pulled me away to ask how I was doing? That was about the stupidest question he could ask.

"I mean with your whole bugging out thing? Like with the wires and all," he said pointing to my cut arm.

"I'm just going to aggressively ignore that part of my life until it goes away," I said and folded my arms.

I didn't want to be reminded of what I was.

I was getting tired though. Sleep would come eventually.

"That is not going to work Joan," Gally stated crossed his arms as well.

"I think it is."

"What about when you need to sleep?"

"If grievers come back, I don’t think we will have time for sleep."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Gally questioned.

"I think it was my factory setting," I gruffed.

Gally rolled his eyes and began to rub his temples like a large headache was forming behind his eyes. Then he looked up and locked eyes with me.

I froze.

His gaze was mesmerizing.

His light blue eyes caught a speck of the sunlight coming though the collapsed roof and turned grey.

Just with his look, I could feel myself relaxing. He was making me less worried about what was going to happen next.

"I need to tell you something," he whispered.

My heart raced and I could feel my palms begin to sweat.

"What is it?"

"I have made a decision," he looked away, breaking the moment.

"A decision? About what?" I asked.

What was there to decide in a time like this? Nothing was under our control anymore and we had no say.

"I am going to banish Thomas as soon as he wakes up," he stepped back and looked out the door.

My heart dropped.

"Banish Thomas? Why would you do that Gally?"

"He is the cause of this. None of this started until he came up," Gally threw up his arms.

"Well then this is just as much his fault as it is mine too! Are you gonna banish me too Gally? He is my brother you know."

"Yeah, I'm aware. Stubborn obviously runs in the family," he looked down to his boots. "Teresa needs too go, so," his Adam's Apple moved as he gulped.

"Oh, so you are. Banishing just two of us would not prove your point," I scoffed. I turned to walk away, but I stopped myself.

I spun on my heels and shoved my finger in his chest.

"You are a coward Gally! Change is happening all around us and you are so wrapped up with playing builder to realize that this isn't your home! This is a prison," I screamed.

His fists clinched and his veins began to bulge in his arms.

"This place has kept us safe for three years. This is our home as much as any place could be. And now you all are ready to throw that away because some kid thinks he can get out!" Gally yelled back.

"You can leave a home, but you are stuck in a prison. Aren't you just a little bit curious to see what is outside those walls?" I asked and stepped closer.

"No. Have you thought that maybe the walls are keeping something out rather than trapping us in?"

I was speechless. Maybe he was right. Maybe something on the outside of those walls was worse than being inside of them.

Pride wouldn't let me admit it, but a feeling deep down told me he was right.

"Go to hell Gally," I snapped.

"Yeah I'll meet you there," he retorted.

I shoulder checked him as I left the hall and returned to the kitchen.

Once I was out of earshot, Gally let out a sigh and his hands started to shake. Deep down, he knew he wouldn't be able to kick Joan out into the maze. He cared to deeply for her. Why he cared, he had no idea.

The rest of the day I spent reliving the argument in my head, mumbling under my breath what I should have said differently.

I should've told him that this wasn't my home. I hadn't been here three years and that he was being selfish for trying to keep everyone in.

Before we knew it, the sky began to change colors and griver shrieks could be heard from within the maze.

Their destructive selves getting closer by the second.

The Maze Runner: A Gally Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now