Chapter Seven

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As I walked back to camp, I couldn't seem to figure out my memory.

It was like having a word at the tip of my tongue, but it just wouldn't come out. It was frustrating as hell.

"You're still up?"

I knew the voice before I even saw him.

"Hey Gally, I could say the same to you," I smiled and walked over to the tree Gally was sitting under.

"The night in the glade is the best thing about this place," he said and looked up to the sky.

Crickets were chirping and boys were snoring. The only light was the torches set up here and there. It really was nice.

"Yeah well my only day here has been hectic so I agree," I laughed and layed back in the grass.

Suddenly a loud groan came from the maze. I quickly sat back up and crawled next to Gally. Close enough that our arms were touching.

"Calm down, it's only the walls moving," he snorted a laugh.

"Oh right," I said. "Why do you think they sent me in here? I mean what's my purpose?"

"What is all of our purpose?" I felt him move slightly closer.

My cheeks heated up, but I ignored it.

"You still upset about all that happened today?"

"Yes," his short response made me think he didn't want to talk.

After a while of silence, I quietly began humming a tune. It had to have been something from before the maze because I didn't know what it was.

I focused on the hum and how it vibrated my throat. I know if I thought about all that happened today, I would break down. I was going to ignore my feelings right now.

Pretty soon, I was drifting to sleep.

I was running, fast. A monster was chasing me. No, it was a griever. I ran around a corner and another one was there. I had no where to go. I was trapped by two grievers and two large walls covered in ivy. I was in the maze.

Both grievers charged at the same time  and the griever behind me struck with its tail, but it only cut my arm.

I looked down to the cut and gasped. Wires ran under my skin like veins.

The grievers weren't the monsters, I was.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was in what looked like a lab. I saw Thomas and Teresa sitting behind computers, making eyes at each other and flirting.

"Gross you two," I said with a laugh, but they both turned and stared at me with fear in their eyes.

"How did you get out of your cage?" Teresa asked with a shaky voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Hey Bugs," Thomas said. "Let's get you back into your safe room."

He cautiously stood from his desk and walked toward me.

"I don't wanna go back! I don't want to be like one of them!" I screamed.

"Call security," Thomas told Teresa.

"You are my brother Thomas! My brother! And you can't even stand to be around me!" Tears began to form at my eyes.

A sudden sharp pain erupted in my back. They had shot me with a tranquilizer.

I opened my eyes and and gasped.

It was a dream. No, it was a memory.

"She's awake," Gally said.

"What happened?" I groaned. Everything seemed to ache and I tried to reach for my fourhead, but constraints on my wrists made it impossible.

I looked around the room. I was in the bed Alby was in yesterday. My hands were tied and so were my feet.

"Why am I in here? Why am I locked up?" I began to panic and pull at the restraints.

I could feel a familiar feeling rush up inside me. Helplessness.

I was stuck and couldn't do anything about it. And people were just watching.

Tears came to my eyes and I continued to struggle.

"Why am I locked up?" I cried out.

"You don't remember what happened last night?" Newt stepped forward with his arms crossed.

"I fell asleep in the grass by Gally," I said searching my memory for what happened.

"She is probably lying," Gally said.

I looked up at him and gasped. He was covered with bruises and had a large cut on his arm.

"What happened to you Gally?" I asked, concerned.

"You happened," he snapped. "As soon as I thought you fell asleep, you attacked me. You weren't even human."

"It took five boys to get you caught and tied down," Newt said.

My jaw dropped. "The dream," I mumbled.

"What dream?" Newt asked.

"I had wires. Wires under my skin. I was a project for the creators," I mummbeled.

Gally quickly stepped forward and pulled a knife from his belt. In the blink of an eye, he had cut my arm.

I didn't even feel it, I was to panicked.

I was scared to look down so I just focused on Gally's face. His eyes said it all.

I was a monster.


Dun dun dunnnn....

So that happened :|

Also, big thank you to dirtonthefloor! You have been a big help. Next chapter was also made because of your ideas.

The Maze Runner: A Gally Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now