Chapter Eleven

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"No," I screamed.

Thomas turned and ran towards the door.

"Thomas! Don't go out there," someone yelled.

I followed him out. When we got outside, it was silent. Everything seemed to be sitting still in destruction.

Buildings were tore down and on fire.

Everything the gladers worked for, gone.

Gally walked around me and up to Thomas.

In once quick motion, he drew back and swung, hitting Thomas hard.

Thomas fell to the ground and Gally tried to attack again.

"Gally," I yelled and stood in front of him, holding both of his fists down. "Calm down."

He looked down to me. He was breathing hard and his face was red from rage.

"This is all you, Thomas! Look around!" Gally yelled and looked back to Thomas.

"Back off, Gally!" I yelled again. "It's not Thomas's fault!"

"What do you mean it isn't his fault?" Gally pulled his wrists from my grip. "You heard what Alby said! He's one of them!"

"One of who?" Someone asked.

"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has! Look around, Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!" Gally threw his hands up and gestured to the glade.

I grabbed Gally's face in my hands and pulled him to look at me. "Gally, back off. This isn't any of our faults."

"They sent him here and now he has destroyed everything we have built," Gally said to everyone as he looked at me.

I saw his point, but I also saw Thomas's side as well.

"Maybe he is right," Thomas said as he grabbed a griever stinger from Chuck's hand.

"Thomas," Teresa said.

"I need to remember," he looked at her.

"Thomas, don't do something stupid-" I quickly said, but he stabbed the needle into himself before I finished.

"Like that," I said with a sigh.

Newt quickly rushed forward and grabbed Thomas as he fell to the ground.

"Help me get him to the med jacks," he said to no one in particular.

I rushed over and grabbed his legs.

"You heavy sack of shit," I cursed as I lifted.

Newt gave me a nod as we walked him away.

"Why do you think he did it?" Newt asked as I stuck the syringe into his arm. The blue cure slowly releasing into his body.

"He is so full of questions. I take after him," I said with a smirk as I brushed Thomas's hair from his forehead and placed a wet rag on it.

Teresa watched intently from the corner of the room.

"He was always a good brother," I said under my breath.

"Brother?" Newt asked with shock.

"The night I," I paused trying to think of the right wording. "The night I wasn't myself, I had a dream."

"The one with the wires?" He asked.

I nodded.

"He will get us out of here. He has always been protective," I looked up to Teresa and she gave me a knowing look.

"Newt," I stood. "I know I don't deserve your trust after what I did, but please don't turn against me."

He sighed and chewed on his thumb nail.

"Look Joan," he crossed his arms. "The people who put us here are bloody twisted. If what Alby said is true and Thomas was part of this, he sure has shown us he isn't bad anymore. I think you are the same way. Your case may be a little different, but after you helped us tonight, I trust you completely. I mean, you body slammed a griever!"

I laughed. "Thank you Newt. Your trust means a lot."

"We will need to work out your sleeping arrangements though," he said with a chuckle.

"I'll handle it," I replied as Gally walked in.

"Is he alright?" He asked, looking down to Thomas.

"Yeah he will be fine," I sighed and walked over to him.

"That's a shame," Gally mumbled.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him outside.

I was to tired and scared to put up with his shit at this point.

Once we were a ways away, I shoved him. Hard.

He stumbled, but managed to stay on his feet. I could tell that he wanted to fight back, but instead he just stood there and stared at me. Clenching and unclenching his fists. His neck muscles were straining under his skin.

"You are being an asshole at this point. And a stupid one at that. I am worried about Thomas and the rest of the gladers-"

"I am not being an asshole," he yelled and cut me off.

"Shut up and listen! Alby just sacrificed himself for me and I am a machine made to turn against you guys! Nothing is normal anymore Gally, so snap out of it and see that things are changing. Help us rather than work against us," I yelled.

He raised his eyebrows and stepped back.

"And I am scared, Gally," I whispered. "I am really scared."

I thought back to Alby as the grievers took him. His eyes locked with mine as he went.

Tears stung my eyes and I didn't know what to do. My head hung and I took a shaky breath.

I jumped when I felt Gally wrap his arms around me. He pulled me in and I quickly melted into his chest.

The world around us dissolved and all the bad things that were happening left my mind.

Right now, it was just me and Gally. The way it should be always.


Awww!! Their first moment:)

I am trying to make it like Gally only let's Joan push him around and stuff.

Thank you for reading!!

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