Chapter 34

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Lauren's pov

I wake up from the sound of gaging, I get up and rush to the bathroom.

"Excuse me" I say to my family who were stood by the door, I open it and close it again going over to camila.

"It's okay" I say, I pull her hair back and rub her back

"Just let it all out" I say, she looks at me with a sad face before putting her head back over the toilet.

When camila was done throwing it I grab a new toothbrush and she brushed her teeth, I also brushed my teeth and washed my face as I was in the bathroom.

"I feel all gross" she whines, I nod and look at the shower

"You could shower" I say, she nods

"Go on, I'll get you a towel and stuff" I say, she nods and I turn the shower on for her and she starts to get undressed and I watch her.

"Are you going to go get me a towel?" Camila asked, I nod looking away from her chest

"Yes, I'll Uh...I'll do that now" I say, she smiles and I leave

"It's going to be a while, use the one downstairs, I know the water doesn't get as hot but you know" I say, they all sigh.

"Dads using it" Taylor said, I nod he takes the longest, like when camila and I are done showering he's still going to be in that bathroom.

"Just sleep longer" I say, they nod and mom shook her head

"We still need to talk" she said, I blush and nod

I get camila and I a towel and some clothes, I then walk to the bathroom again.

"Okay babe, I've got you a towel and some clothes" I say, she pokes her head out and smiles.

"Thank you" she said, I walk over kissing her she kisses me back

"You almost done? I need to shower and everyone is waiting, my dad is using the one downstairs so they can't" I say, she nods.

"Give me 2 minutes and I'll be out" she said, I nod and wait.

As camila got out, I grab her towel and wrap it around her, she smiles and I smile back.

"Some clothes are over there" I say, she smiles wide and gets dressed as I got undressed and into the shower.

When I was done I get out and see camila still in here, I quickly wrap the towel around me and get dried and dressed.

I was In a t-shirt and some sweats, camila was in a hoodie and some sweats.

I take camilas hand and we walk out, I watch Chris and Taylor fight to get into the bathroom.

"I'm your mother, move, or you can make your own breakfast" Mom said, I chuckle as Chris and Taylor huff.

Camila and I go downstairs, I turn the tv on and sit her on the couch I go and get her some headache tablets and a drink, I pass it to her and she kisses me as a thank you.

"So, what do you remember from last night?" I ask, she thinks

"I remember a guy jumping off the roof and into a pool while he was extremely drunk" Camila said, I frown.

"Is he okay?" I ask

"I don't know, I can't remember if he lived or not" she shrugs, I was sat there wide eyed

"I also remember stumbling here, seeing your parents, that's it" Camila said, I nod

"You outed me" I say, she frowns

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